Chapter 19

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A few days have passed and Carter's birthday is tomorrow. He decided to have a party at the mobli house and tweet the address. Why? I have no idea it's going to be crazy. The guys seem excited though.

Cameron and I haven't really had that much time together since the guys came. It worries me that he could just leave me. I shake the thought and slip on jeans and a Hollister shirt. We decided to go out for Carter's birthday tonight and have the part tomorrow.

Cameron rushes me out the room and downstairs. We get into the limo they rented and there sat Maddison. Ugh I can't stand the snobby bitch. She looks at Cameron like he belongs to her. She sits across from Cameron with her short dress that needs to be way longer.

Carter sat next to her, and the rest if the guys and Maddy piled in. Maddy and I were the outcast of the group the whole time. We rarely spoke to any of them, we just kept to ourselves. After dinner we went home and Maddison wanted to stay at our house. I pulled Cameron aside to talk to him about it.

"No" I said clearly

"Why?" he asked

"Because I can't stand her, she's not staying here tell her there is not enough room" I demanded

"But Alli-" I cut him off

"If she stays I leave, think about your choice long and hard before you make your decision" I say walking into the house.

I walked upstairs, changed, and went to the basement. It was comfortable down here, it had a tv, a couch, a small kitchen. I don't know why I never came down here.

"Alli?" Madddys voice snapped me out if my thoughts

"Yeah" I answered

"Um.... Madison left" she said sitting next to me. I could feel tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to loose him" I chocked out

"What? Alli no, he loves you" she said

"Madison is prettier than me, she will obviously have sex more than I do" I said

"If he wants her, he is stupid because he has a wonderful girl right here." She said. We didn't say anything else we just grabbed a blanket and she laid with her feet on one end and mine on the other. She turned on mean girls, and we fell asleep on the couch.


Nash POV

We sat in the living room playing ps3 and yelling. Cameron just looked sad, so I got up and went to look for Alli and Maddy. I looked by the pool, in their rooms, then finally the basement. I walked down and saw them laying on the couch. Alli had a tear stained face and puff eyes and Maddy just looked sad.

Fuck, Cameron must have pissed her off again. He can never treat her right can he? Jesus I'm always fixing shit.

"What the hell did you do to Alli?" I yelled drawing everyone's attention.

"What?" Cameron stood up asking

"Alli is asleep on the couch with puffy eyes and a tear stained face! what the hell happened?" I asked again

"I don't fucking know" he yelled

"You had to do something?" I said looking at him

"Shit" he mumbled

"What?" I asked more impatient.

"Madison" he murmured

"What the fuck did you do with her?" I asked stepping towards him

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