Chapter 18

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The sun shining in from the window blinded me. I stretched out and felt Cameron's arms loosen and let go of my body. I slide off the bed and dragged into the bathroom. I wash my face, and brush my teeth. As I'm leaving Cameron walks past me and smacks my butt. I just glare and walk away.

I walk to the closet and grab a purple tee shirt with a unfamiliar logo on it. I then pull on a denim pair of shorts on. I pull my hair into a bun and decide to not wear any make up. With out waiting for Cameron I grab my phone and head down stairs.

When I get down stairs Nash runs up to me. "Where is cam?" he ask in a hurry. "Bathroom" I say pointing to the stairs. He pushes me and runs up the stairs. I hit my head hard off the wall and fell to the floor. Maddy immediately came for me. I felt the tears fill my eyes and I let it out. Even though I don't want to the tears fall from my face and I lay on the floor hardly able to move in a puddle of tears.

I hold my head and yell. I don't even think it was my head bothering me the most. Just memories. Cameron comes
Rushing to me and hold my hand. He asks me something but I don't answer. I block them out, ignore the world for the time I can. After what seemed like hours I finally sat up.

"Alli? what happened? are you okay?" Cameron pushes questions on me.

"Nash pushed me, I'm fine" I say pushing through them.

"Well, I've got good news" Cameron says

"What?" I ask rudely

"Matt, Taylor, Carter, Jack and Jack are coming into town and staying with us" he squeals like a little girl

"How that good news?" I ask still stuck in my thoughts

"Because you will be able to bond with them, oh and Mahogany is coming" he says walking to the kitchen

I never really bonded with the guys or mahogany. We just never got to it. I wouldn't really talk to them at events, but I'm glad I can get to know them now.

"But, You're always gonna be mine" Cameron says kissing my cheek.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked

"The boys flirt a lot, and they're just guys you know" he nervously laughs

He sat next to me so I sat on his lap facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love YOU" I said. He smiled and kissed me again.


That night

We were all sitting in the living room watching tv when the door bell rang. Nash and Cameron both ran to the door. We heard yelling then a crowd of boys walk in and mahogany behind them laughing. She looked at me and smiled so I waved her over.

"Hey, this is Maddy" I said introducing them.

"Hi" she waved and smiled wide. To be completely honest I was jealous of her. She could pull off any style, she's gorgeous, and her hair is magnificent.

"You can take the spare bedroom upstairs and the guys can crash in the living room or basement" I said walking her upstairs. After she got her stuff in the room she went to the living room and I went to change into a bikini so I could swim. I sent Maddy a text to change and swim with me. I put a bright green bikini, and I cover dress on and met her in the hall.

We managed to slip past the guys with out being noticed and got into the pool. We swam, talked about random stuff, and just relaxed. About 20 minutes later all the boys came jumping in. Cameron looked so happy with them. I've never seen him smile or laugh like that, which is kind of a bad thing for me.

"What's wrong?" Nash said leaning against the side if the pool.

"Nothing" I said blankly

"That's funny, tell me" he said

"I've never seen him that happy. Don't get me wrong I love seeing him like that, it's just-" he cut me off

"He's never been like that with you" Nash sighed.

"Yeah" I said

After that we kind of dropped the subject. I got out and changed into sweatpants and Nashs old football shirt. I walked down stair, grabbed a soda from the fridge and laid on the couch watching tv. I took out my phone and scrolled though twitter, and Instagram until Cameron came and jumped on me.

"What the hell!" I yelled

"Woah calm down" he laughed

"I don't think your funny" he said trying not to smile.

"Yes you do" he said poking me

"You're so annoying sometimes" I laugh pushing him off me.

"But you still love me"


Sorry it's a short chapter but I promise the next chapter will be extra long for you guys!😁

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