Chapter 9

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Everything was packed and ready the only person we are waiting for is Cameron. He has packed up half his house to fly out to NC. We pack everything into the trunk and gather into the car. Cameron and I sat up front and Nash Hayes and Maddy in the back.

The drive went by quick but we still had an hour left. Girls surround Nash, Hayes, and Cameron. I sat in the seat and listened to music with Maddy. "It's crazy how they made it" she says. "Yeah, I'm very proud of all them" I speak softly. I really was but I get death threats and I'm called several other names for dating Cam and Maddy does too.

Finally the group of girls slowly left and they all came and sat down. Cam intertwined our fingers and leaned back in his chair. I leaned away from him but didn't pull my hand away. "Hey come here" cameron stood up and walked me over to a private part of the airport. "What's wrong?" he asked pulling my hips toward his. "Nothing" I said looking down. He took a deep breath and let go of my hips and walked away.

I don't know what was wrong with me. I just feel sad, like no one cares. As I stood there in that tiny corner of the airport watching cameron walk away made it worse. My eyes filled with tears and I rushed into the bathroom. I wiped my eyes and made sure it wasn't noticeable. I walked back to where we were sitting and grabbed my hoodie and pulled it on. I put my head phones in and sat away from everyone with my knees pulled to my chest and hands covering my face. As All I want by kodaline played it hit me. I was depressed and I know why. The death threats, everyone telling me Cameron didn't really care. I'm starting to believe them.

Hayes pushed my knees and waved me toward the gates. I turned off my phone as I entered the plane. I sat by the window with Cameron next to me. After the plane took off I put in my music and Ed Sheeran Give me love played. I could feel my eyes start to water and a small tear escape down my cheek. I didn't bother to wipe it. I watched the clouds under us go by and waited for us to land.

The plane hit the ground and slowly came to a stop. I didn't bother pulling my headphones out when I know I will put them back in. When I saw my parents I ran and gave them a huge hug. While I was hugging my mom tears came out. "Hunny, it's okay" she said wiping my tears. I shook my head no. "No mom, nothing is okay anymore" I mumbled into her shirt. "Wait, what?" she said pulling my head up. "I don't know, I just...just... can't do this anymore" I said grabbing my bags and walking past everyone. I shoved them in the back of the car. I sat in the van alone until they all came out of the airport. Nash and cam say in the seats infront of me and Hayes beside me.

When we pulled into the drive way I got out and skylynn came running towards me. "Hey there" I said as she hugged me. "We can play barbies now!" she yelled running towards the house. "Maybe later" I said pulling my bags out of the car and into the house. When I got to my room I threw my bags down, changed into leggings, sports bra, and a t shirt. I shut the curtains and crawled into bed. I turned the tv on to a random channel and quickly drifted to sleep.


A small knock on the door woke me up. "Come in" I yelled not opening my eyes. Moments later I felt cameron crawl under the covers and pull my body into his. "What's wrong?" he asked. " Just people talking" . "like?". "Your fans, random people". "What are they saying?". At that I laughed because it is obvious that I have gotten a lot of hate. "It's not funny tell me" he said pulling my chin up. "Just threatening me and telling me you don't really want to be with me" I said looking back down. "That's not true, why wouldn't I want to be with you? your beautiful, funny, smart, and.... I love you"


Did he just bring out the L bomb😂😂 sorry it's short wanted to update tonight.

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