Chapter 8

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Allis POV

I woke up to an empty bed. The room was also empty. I readjusted my hair then headed down stairs. The smell of bacon, eggs, and several other breakfast foods filled the air. I walked into the kitchen to see a shirtless Cameron cooking. Trust me it's the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

I sat on the other side of the island and watched him. "Enjoying the sight?" he laughs. "Yes very much" I said. He filled two plates and slide me one, then sat next to me. While we were eating Cameron put his hand on my inner thigh. I gasp but luckily he didn't see me. I ate with hesitation the rest of the time.

I finished then washed the dishes. I walked into the living room where cameron sat and sat on the opposite side of the couch. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Watching tv". "Why clear down there". "I just sat down" I said scooting towards him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rested his head on the top of my head.

"Stop" I yelled as Cameron leaned over top of me tickling me. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS!" I yelled as loud as I could. he laughed and continued tickling me, until Nash snuck up behind him with a hand full of shaving cream and smacked him. "SMACK CAM" Hayes yelled holding his phone.

Cameron laughed and wiped the shaving cream all over my face. I had to run up to the bathroom and clean off. He followed me up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "We are going out tonight" he smiled "What should I wear?" i asked nervously. "Something nice like a dress" he kissed the back of my neck and told me we leave at 5.

I dragged Maddy away from Nash to help me get ready since it was 3 and I take forever. I pulled out three dresses. I have a tight black one with slits down the sides to my hips, a red one that flows down, and a summer type dress. I picked the black one with the slits with 3 inch heels that wear like boots but didn't come up your legs.

Maddy did a waves curl in my hair and winged eyeliner. She was always better at this stuff. About 4:30 I was finished but Maddy wouldn't let me leave the room to show Cameron. So I grabbed a small purse and filled it with stuff I should need. Money, phone, lip gloss, and a few other things.

Finally 5 O'clock rolled around and Maddy let me go down stairs. I walked down stairs and Cameron was in a suit and tie. He couldn't keep his eyes off me. Which basically gave me tons of confidence. I hooked my arm with his and headed to the car. "You kids be safe now" Nash yelled from inside. I climbed into the passenger seat and waited for Cameron.

He entered the car and backed up. As soon as he put the car in drive his hand went on my inner thigh. "You look amazing" he says squeezing my thigh. It's driving me crazy. "Thank you" I say quietly trying my to gasp at his hand. "Something wrong?" He asks. I just shake my head no and stare out the window.

When we arrive I can't even pronounce the name of the restaurant, it's some fancy French place. "I know what we are ordering don't worry about it" he says. I take a breath of relief because I don't know anything about France and I can't speak French.

We are seated at a back room with candles and flowers. He orders quickly. We start talking about stuff we like and dislike, obsessions, and other random stuff. Even after we eat the conversation never dies. That's what I love. Someone who can keep a conversation going with me for as long as they need.

When we were finished Cameron drove down to the beach. Before we stepped onto the sand I slipped off my heels. We walked for awhile then turned around but Cameron stopped. "What?" I asked. "You leave in a few days" he says. I take a deep breath and hold back the tears. "Yeah..." I trail off. "What is going to happen?". "I don't know, I still want to be with you but I'm just now turning 17 I still have a year before I can do anything about it." I say letting a few tears fall. "I know that's why I am renting an apartment in North Carolina, so we can be together."


Wow big move😁

Comment what you think. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas or just want to talk. I will update soon.

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