Chapter 4

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"I like you too" it hurt to say those words. Not because they weren't true but because I was so nervous.

He smiled "good"

we talked Bout anything and everything the rest of the night until we both feel asleep.

I woke up with his arms around my waist and his chested pressed against my back. He made me feel safe, but nothing happened and we aren't dating so it won't be like this forever. The door creaked open silently but I closed my eyes and acted like I was sleeping. It was Mady getting her bag. When she left the door closing must have woken Cameron up. He tensed up then pulled away from me stretching. I didn't open my eyes I just let him get up and exit the room. Like I was a one night stand, really?

Moments later he walked back in and crawled into the bed. I rolled over and leaned up.

"Morning" he smiled. "Hey" my voice cracked.

"You okay?" he asks. I just shook my head. I walked over to my bag and pulled out a high waisted pair of short, a Marylin Monroe crop top and my vans. I was walking towards the door

"you can change in here, if you want" he almost laughed

"I'd rather not" I said walking into the bathroom changing quickly.

When I open the door to my room cameron wasn't sitting on the bed. He must have went to his room. I put my stuff up, unplugged my phone and went to the living room. Mady and Nash were sitting on the couch curled up next to each other. I sat in the chair close to the couch. Cameron went through the kitchen, grabbed a water. He sat beside me and pulled out his phone.

I just watched the tv until Hayes walked over to me and started messing with me.

"Hayes don't make me embarrass you" I tell pushing him. He keeps messing with my so I get up and we start fighting. Soon we are on the ground punching each other.

"Hey!" Nash yells. We both look up and he says "I get winner" he laughs. Me and hayes keep fighting until I get him into an arm lock and he taps.

By now my hair is a mess and Nash is standing up. I fix my hair and get ready for Nash. In a matter of seconds he has me on the ground punching me(not hard) "Winner gets to fight the champ'' Cameron yells. Nash got my ankle and I tapped. I sat on the couch and fixed my hair. Cameron and Nash were at it. In the end Cameron out powered Nash. We were all laughing and joking and then Maddy jumped on Nash and they started making out Hayes, Cameron and I yelled "boo, get a room" they finally calmed down and we just relaxed.

At around 12 Cameron asked me if I wanted to go get lunch. I agreed and we got into his black BMW and headed for McDonalds. The car ride was silent and awkward. Like the awkward you don't want to have. After we ordered everyone's food Cameron looked at me "will you go on a date with me?" he asked. I could tell he was nervous and it was cute. "Of course, I would love to" he smiled and the guy called our number to pick up the food. We drove back and gave everyone their food.

I sat at the island table in the kitchen, everyone else sat in the living room. I finished eating and scrolled through twitter. Same old drama.


Cameron's POV

We were all eating in the living room except Alli, I was so nervous when I asked her to go on a date with me. I have the perfect plan. We are going to dinner, then to walk on a beach and hopefully she will fall for me. She's not just another girl I date for a week then dump. She is different. Amazing, funny, and beautiful.

I got up and walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She giggled. I love that sound.

"what?" She turned her head just enough to see me.

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