Chapter 28

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Cameron and I are sitting at the doctors office waiting to get my cast off. It's pretty loose and I could probably just slide it off my wrist if I wanted. But the doctor called me back and cut it off. The healing was fast and there shouldn't really be a problem with it. We leave and drove back home. I walk into the house and an unfamiliar voice startles me "Taylor?" a high squeaky voice yells from the living room. "No I'm Allison" I wave. "Oh I'm sorry Taylor went to the bathroom, im alex" she smiled. Taylor walks down the stairs and freezes when he sees me. Cameron walks upstairs and Taylor and I walk to the kitchen. "I should've told you" he says "it's fine you have a girlfriend, good for you" I pat his chest and grab a water. "Al" he says. I ignore him and go upstairs. now I know what it felt like for him. I still like Taylor. Shit. I push my thoughts away and focus on Cameron.

I walked I tho our room and plugged in my phone. Cameron lays on the bed watching tv. I slip off my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I let the hot water run down my back. "Can I join?" Cameron asks smiling. "Of course" I laugh. Cameron gets in and kisses my shoulder. He helps wash my hair and I now realize that Cameron is the guy I want to be with for the rest of my life. No matter what I feel for Taylor or anyone else I know that nobody could make me feel anything that compared to Cameron. I turn toward him and kiss him. Moments later we were in a full on make or session. He picks me up and he kisses me roughly. A small knock makes Cameron pull away. "Fuck" he mumbles in my ear. He kisses my neck and says "this isn't over" he wraps a towel around his waist and leaves the bathroom. I get out and get dressed and walk into the room. "You're cousin is down stairs" cameron says. I fix my tee shirt and shorts "what cousin?" I laugh. "Cindy" he says. I run out if the room and down stairs and run to Cindy. Cindy is one of my closest cousins. "Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever" I yell "I know" she laughs.

I pull her into the basement and we sit on the couch. "So what happened?" I ask her "same old thing" she laughs "now enough about me! tell me about you and that gorgeous boy" she laughs again. "Okay, I'm so in love with him, and he's the only guy I can see myself with, and the only one I want to be with for the rest if my life. I can't describe how he makes me feel" I smile. "That's so cute" she squeals.

Cameron's POV

Hearing everything she said about me has me in tears. I just want to kiss her and hold her. I decline my thoughts and head back upstairs. "Hey bub" Nash yells. "Aye" I laugh. I sit down at the island. Nash sits on the other side and stares at his phone. "What's so I'm important?" I laugh. "Oh just texting Maddy sorry" he says locking his phone. "Why isn't she here?" I asked confused. "Allison hasn't noticed?" Nash asked "noticed what?" I ask more impatient "she went back to North Carolina. She was home sick" Nash says walking into the living room.

I walk back down stairs and see Allison and Cindy watching movies. "Hey babe, did you know about Maddy leaving?"


Short and a cliff hanger sorry😁

This Taylor stuff has got me messed up. It hurts me a lot because I'm a Taylor girl💔

But I'll try to update soon

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