Chapter 23

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Cameron's hand has a tight grip on mine and he stands in front of me. Nash's face is blood red and everyone else is standing around cluelessly. While Boston stood at the door.

"You have 5 seconds to get out" Nash says taking a step forward

"Stop" I say drawing everyone's attention. "I want to know what he has to say"

"Thank yo-" I cut him off

"Cameron will be with me, and you will say what you have to in a matter if five minutes and then leave. After that if I ever see you again I will get a restraining order against you." I say taking Cameron's hand and walking toward the living room.

He walks in and we sit on the couch and he sits on the chair. I sigh and brace myself for what's about to happen.

"Okay, I'm sorry for what I did. I was into a lot of drugs back then and didn't know what I was doing half the time" he said "I know I hit you, and other stuf-"

"You tried to rape me! You know what you did, I have scars from you" I yelled

"I know" he said putting his head down

"You knew what you were doing" I said

"I didn't" he said standing up. And immediately Cameron stood up.

"We are Done here" Cameron said

"This isn't between us" Boston said

"Get out" I said

"But" he said

"Leave or I'll call the cops" I said while Cameron wrapped his arms around my waist. Without another word he left. I sighed and turned to face Cameron.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Not really" I said

"Come here" he said pulling me into his chest. His smell engulfed me and I could feel a wave of relief. Boston was gone and Cameron is right here.

"Allison" Nash said

"Nash" I said. And he immediately hugged me

"I just needed to know what he wanted to say, but it wasn't really worth the time." I said

"I know, but you know mom is expecting you home with Hayes right?" he asked

"Yeah" I sighed. I turned to Cameron and he looked upset. But I knew with all my heart that I would be back with this boy in a day if I could.

"I'm gonna grab a back pack with a few things, I'll fly home send my stuff back out and come back, I'll be back before you know it" I said smiling

"What about me?" Hayes said

"Bub you have to talk to mom about tha-" I was cut off by Nash

"We are buying a new house" he said

"What?!?" I asked in panic

"It's not far from here, we need a bigger place anyway since the Guys basically live here, it has a basement, 3 floors, the main floor, 2nd floor with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom in the hall and one in the master bedroom, and 3rd floor with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. A pool and hot tub. So Hayes has to convince mom to live with us" he smiled

"Fine I'll need the address for my stuff" I said

"Okay, all your stuff here will be moved in with Cameron's stuff " he said writing the address on the piece of paper.

I took it and nodded "when do you move?"

"Tomorrow morning after you and Hayes fly out" he said

That night

I plug my phone in, pull on Cameron's shirt (I know I wear them a lot) and a pair of leggings, I pull my hair into a messy bun, and crawl into Cameron's bed. The beds empty but I can't help but wish he was next to me. He went with Nash to get boxes and tape for packing.

I click the lamp off and lay in the dark. I'm hidden in the blanket and pillows and I feel like I'm on a cloud. Thoughts and memories flow through my mind like a river. Good times with my family, I will never get those back.

I decide to push my thoughts aside and sleep. I grabbed a pillow and wrapped my arms around it. My eyes got heavy and I could hardly stay awake. I finally gave in, but as soon as I try the light flips on and I jolt out of bed.

"Sorry" Cameron says.

I flop back on the bed and close my eyes. Cameron pulls the pillow away from me and wraps his arms around me.

The beeping of my alarm wakes me. Cameron tightens his grip then sighs. Once he releases me I slip away to the bathroom. I strip down and turn on the hot water. The water runs down my back and makes me more tired than awake.

I wash my hair, body, shave my legs and under arms, then get out. I grab my clothes and throw them into a box pulling out new leggings, underwear, a bra, and a tee shirt.

I pull on my undergarments and before I get my tee shirt on Cameron stops me. He kisses down my neck and over my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you" he whispered.

"I will be back before you know it" I said kissing him

"Wear this shirt" Cameron said throwing me a dark blue tee shirt that says 'Cali' in white letters. I slipped it on and he smiled.

"This is going to suck" he said. Pulling me into a hug

"I know" I said.

I pulled away and grabbed one of Cameron's small backpacks. I packed a outfit, makeup, phone and iPod charger, and a few other things. I grabbed my phone and headphones and waited for Cameron to put on shoes.

I walked down stairs and Hayes was waiting. We walked out to Cameron's black SUV. Cameron got in the drivers side and intertwined my fingers.

Skipping the car ride

We walk into the airport and make out way towards the gate. I stopped and hugged Cameron. I fought the tears back long enough until they streamed down my face.

"Don't cry" he said

"I love you" I said

"And I love you" he said, then kissed me. Right then a muffled voice came over and announced our flight.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" I said

"I wouldn't make that mistake twice" he said hugging me.

Hayes and I walked through security and took our seats on the plane. Once we were in the air I turned on my phone and listened to pandora.


I miss you already😩

To Cam😍💋💕

I miss you more😔


Not possible😘

To Cam😍💋💕

It definitely is💋

I locked my phone and decided to sleep the rest of the plane ride.

It's been awhile since I've updated sorry😔

Keep telling me who you want my next fanfic to be


A. Taylor Caniff

B. Kian Lawley

C. Matthew Espinosa

D. Jc Caylen

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