Chapter 13

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It's now 8:45 and Cameron was shirtless on the couch. We were watching movies all day after what happened.

"You wanna put a shirt on?" I said laughing.

"Why?" he asked. I was craving him so bad. I just got up and walked into the bedroom. I pulled a tank top and basketball shorts on and climbed into bed.

"What are you doing?" Cameron asked as he jumped on the bed.

"Trying to go to bed" I said pulling the covers over me.

He pulled the blanket off me and leaned over me. He pinned my arms above my head and kissed me roughly. He pulled my tank top off and then his shirt. He then removed my shorts and his pants. I rolled to were I was on top. I kissed him hard. "I need you" he murmured through the kiss. he was now on top of me he roughly pulled off my underwear then his boxers.

He was thrusting into me rough. "Cam..." I barley got out. So much pleasure was running though my body I could barley contain myself. I moaned as I reached my climax. "I'm... I'm" Cameron moaned then pulled out and laid next to me.

"I love you" I said. "I love you too" he replied.

I stretched out and didn't feel cam. I decided to get up change and pack my stuff up. I pulled on a pair of leggings and one of cams shirts. I made sure I had everything in my bag and grabbed my phone.

When I went into the kitchen Cameron was looking through the fridge. I went up behind him and hugged him.

"Oh look who's up" he laughed.

"What are you doing" I asked sitting at the small circular table.

"Food, I need food" he said pushing stuff around.

"Just come over and I will make you food at my house" I laughed.

"Your parents will be there" he said

"And?" I asked

"I wouldn't be able to do this" he walked over toward me and kissed me. I stood up and he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder "or this"

"Well, at least we would be together" I said.

"Okay let's go"

I grabbed my bag and headed to the car. I sat in the passenger seat and rested my feet on my bag. The drive wasn't long since he lived a block away.

I dragged my bag inside and set it by the stairs. We walked into the kitchen and Mom was already making food. "Cam is staying for dinner okay?" I told her.

"That's fine." She replied like she didn't even care. Something was wrong. I dragged cam upstairs to Nash. I knocked then went into his room. He sat on his with his knees to his chest and tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Nash? what's wrong?" I asked rushing over to him.

"Mom and dad... they" he mumbled

"They what?!?" I yelled

"They're getting a divorce" my heart stopped and I suddenly couldn't breathe.

"Why?" I asked trying to fight back tears. But it didn't work.

"Dad... he.. cheated" he finally blurted out.

"No..... no, no, no" I cried and hugged Nash.

I wiped my face and turned back to cameron. "Come here" he said pulling me into my room. We laid down and he pulled my close to him.

"I know what it's like growing up with out a dad, but your dad has been there for you this far I'm sure he will still be there for you" he said.

"It's just so weird. I thought they loved each other. This is not a surprise I wanted..."

"Hey, let's just take a nap or watch movies and see if we can get our minds off things."

I agreed and we turned on The Amazing Spiderman. In the middle of the movie I could barley keep my eyes open. I decided to give up the fight and try and sleep.

One update after another! So I am thinking a lot about if I write a next fanfic. Who would you want it to be. Cam again? Nash? Matt? Taylor?

Comment and when I get enough people picking just one I will go with that one😊

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