Chapter 14

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A loud knock on the door woke me. I jolted forward and felt really dizzy. "What?" I barley got out.

"Dinner" Nash said.

"Be down in a minute" I told him. I pushed Cameron and told him to come down. We walked down stairs and gathered around the table. We were all being really quiet.

"You guys need to stay at a friends house this week, your father is moving his things out." Mom said without looking up.

"That's fine with me" I mumbled, but she heard me

"When do we need to leave?" Nash asked impatient. He was mad, he might have been trying to his his emotions but I could see it in his eyes.

"Today would be nice" she said

"God dammit! Can I just sleep in my own bed for ONE NIGHT!" I yelled

She flinched "You guys should be gone tomorrow by noon at the latest" she said quietly.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled, I know you are having a rough time, I just want to sleep here tonight" I said looking her in the eyes.

"It's fine sweetie" she answered and then quickly looked down.

I had no appetite after what I just did. "May I be excused?" I asked. She just nodded. Cameron grabbed my arm and gave me a are-you-okay looks. I nodded and headed back upstairs. I stopped when I seen a picture of all of us together. I tried to fight back tears. This family is being torn apart.

I swallowed hard and went to my room. I sat at my desk and decided Hazel Grace and Augustus' story should get my mind off things. So for the tenth time I started reading the book.

About 30 minutes later Cameron and Nash came into my room. "Really? reading that book again?" Nash asked

"Yes, it's so amazing. How they talk about oblivion. It's so... so true" I said running my hand over the page of the book.

"God your obsessed." He laughed

"You could say that" I replied

"Where are you staying?" Nash asks

"No clue yet" I say honestly. I couldn't stay with Cameron anymore, as much as I wanted to, I would just be a bother

"Yes you do" Cameron said

"No..." I said slowly

"With me" he said.

"Cam, I would just be a both-" he cut me off

"Yes you are and that's that!" he said not taking no for an answer.

"Fine" I huffed

"You?" I asked Nash' referring back to his question.

"With Maddy" he smiles

"Gross" I laughed

"What?" he replied

"She told me what you two nasties did!" I pretended to gag

"Oh please" he laughed

I laid my book in its usual spot and laid down on the bed. Why did this have to happen? why now? what changed his feelings? my thoughts were taking over and tears had unwillingly escaped from my eyes. I sighed and wiped them off. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was asleep.


I literally have no idea if I want to finish this book. I'm writing another book in between updating this one. I was thinking about publishing it before this one ended but I don't know.

I'm thinking of making my next one another Cameron one. But the boys that are in the book aren't famous they are just characters.

I have really said too much. Comment and tell me what you think I should do... I need advice fast!

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