Chapter 24

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We pulled into the drive way and mom stopped me. She sighed and said "Hayes can go, and you can go you just have to go see your dad"

"No" I said "I will not go see him he ruined our family. I can't just forget about something like that" I finished. I got out of the car and went inside. Most of my stuff was still packed so I put the address on if and called the company that shipped it the first time. They took it within an hour.


Are you home yet?

To Cam😍💋💕

Yeah just sent my stuff out to LA


Good now come back😩

To Cam😍💋💕

I'm flying back out tomorrow, you can wait😘


I love you

To Cam😍💋💕

I love you

I laid my phone on my bed and went Hayes' room. He was laying in bed with headphones texting.

"I'm sorry" I said

"For what?" he laughed

"I should let you go see dad" I said

"I don't want to see him" he laughed

"Oh, well I'm sorry we never hang out" I said

"It's cool" he said, returning to texting

"Who are you talking to?" I asked grabbing his phone

"Give it, I'll tell you" he begged

"Fine" I handed it back

"I meet someone in LA that I like and we are talking" he said turning red

"Awe Hayes' first Crush" I laughed

"Shut up" he said pushing me.

The rest of the evening we just sat around and talked about anything and everything.


Next morning

I wake up in the floor of Hayes' room. I groan and get up. I stretch out and grab my outfit out of the bag.

A faded pair of Hollister short, a white Hollister shirt, and vans. I pull my hair into a messy bun and send a snapchat to Cameron that says '5 more hours😘' he replies back with him in an unfamiliar background which is the new house with morning hair, and eyes barley open 'that's to long'. I laugh and just text him.

I wake up Hayes then head downstairs. I grab a water, then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I'm finished hayes is ready.

Mom is waiting in the car so we just hope in and head to the airport.

Skipping plane ride

Hayes and i walk into the airport and out the main entrance. Cameron calls and is just now on his way. We go inside and sit for awhile.

About ten minutes later there is a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Cameron smiling. I get up and jump into his arms. Everyone is staring so I back off Cameron. He looks at me weird and Hugs me again.

"I don't care if people stare" he whispers.

When we pull up to the new place I'm amazed. It's beautiful. I walk into the house and Nash shows Hayes his room and Cameron takes us upstairs to the 3rd floor and shows me our room.

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