Chapter 15

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Two days later
I sit in Cameron's living room in complete silence trying to process what he just said. Nash and Cameron are moving to LA? God I'm only 17! They are moving away, and leaving both of their girlfriends behind.

"Alli?" Cameron speaks snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah" my voice cracks.
"I'm sorry-" I decide to cut him off

"I don't think we should be together if your moving, I love you so much I just can't do that. Your getting bigger and I accept that and I'm so happy for you! I just don't know if I can handle you being away and not knowing what your doing" I say with tears streaming down my face

"I want you to come with me! I don't want to be away from you, please" he begged

"Cam, I'm only 17 my mom and dad will never allow it" I say

"What if I can convince them to let you stay for the summer? Could we at least try?" he begs even more

"If you can convince them I will put everything into this relationship" I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck

"Good" he pulls me in and kisses me. I never want to loose this boy, but I don't know if I can handle him living in a different state and not being able to see him. I'm not good at that stuff.

"We can make this work" he says kissing my neck

"I hope so"

Today Cameron is talking to my mom. I'm really hoping she will let me go. At least just for the summer. I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna pass out.
When Cameron pulls into the drive way my breathing starts to increase. Cameron squeezes my hand before getting out of the car. We walk up the stone walk way and I open the door.

"Mom?" I yell

Nash sticks his head out from the kitchen and waves us in. When I walk pass them Nash mumbles something to Cameron that I can't make out. I walk into the dinning room and see Maddy at the table. I sit next to her and just breathe.

"I'm going with them"she says

"Great" I say with a little bit of sarcasm
"I'm sorry my parents don't care." She says.
By this time I'm about to hyperventilate and pass out. My mom brings over the food and sits down.

"Mom, so you know Cam, Maddy and I are going to LA and moving in down there right?" Nash asks

"Of course I'm happy for you" she smiles

"Well, we were wondering if Alli could come with us?" Nash asks.

"Yeah, it'll be a great she says and I'm relieved. We finish dinner and I run upstairs. They all follow behind me. cameron hugs from behind me. I turn to face him and he grabs my butt. I bit my lip and he leans into kiss me and Nash and Maddy walk in

"Hey! that's my sister" Nash pushes Cameron.

We just laugh. Cameron sits on my bed and I sit on his lap. I let out a breath of relief and kiss Cameron's cheek.

"I can help you pack tonight, we leave on Tuesday" he smirks.

"Sounds great" I smile
That night

Cameron is sitting on my bed and I'm making piles of clothes around the room. Suddenly I feel Cameron's arms wrap around me and he kisses my neck.

"Cam stop!" I laugh trying to pull away

"Why?" he mumbles into my neck.

"You're suppose to be helping me" i
barley choke out.

"Not right now" he says shutting the door and locking it.

"Cam I'm serious not right now" I say as he's pulling me towards the bed.

"It won't take long babe" he smiles
"Cam I have way to much stuff to go through!" I say trying to pull away from him but his grip is tight.

"Fine."he huffs and lays back on my bed.

"Don't be a baby about it." I say folding clothes and placing them into boxes. He just sighs and turns on the tv. I take all the books from my shelf and place them neatly in a box. I can get a bookshelf for them in LA. I fit most of my movies into the same box and then get to my photo albums. I look through them, they are all full of so many great memories. All if us at parties, picnics, the park, and just goofy pictures of us. I can feel some tears fall from my eyes as I flip through the pages.

Cameron's arms wrap around my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder. We sit there and just look through the pictures. I close the last album and place it into the box. I wipe my tears and keep putting random things that I want in LA into boxes. The truck for all of the stuff will be here Monday.

When I have most of my stuff packed I decide to pack a bag with a few outfits and few other things in it. I get up and lay on the bed, tomorrow I'll have to spend the day at Cameron's packing everything back up. Monday we have to start packing the truck with all the stuff and then we are off to LA.

Wow I'm really moving to LA. My mind wonders off and I slowly drift asleep.

We are boarding a plane to LA and I'm getting really nervous. We got a house that looks over the city, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a pool, a hot tube, then kitchen and living room. I'm just happy the house already has our furniture and stuff in it. Before I know it we are in the air.

Cameron gets up and goes to the bathroom. After about 10 minutes I get worried so I get up and check on him. I slightly knock at the small door.
"Cameron let me in" I whisper.
He slowly opens the door and I go in locking it behind me. "What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Nothing, just needed a minute" he sighed

"What's wrong?" I ask stepping toward him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Nothing" he says looking away
"Cameron Alexander Dallas, tell me what's wrong now" I demanded. He grabbed me by the waist and sat me on the small sink. He roughly kissed up my neck and our lips connected. I ran my fingers through his hair then pulled away.

"Cameron we're in a bathroom" I say taking a deep breath.

"Dammit" he mumbled turning around running his hands through his hair

"Is this what your stressed about? sex?" I asked annoyed

"It's not sex, it's you. It's hard enough being around you with out wanting to rip your clothes off. We are never going to be able to have anytime alone with Nash and Maddy around. I've never wanted to be with someone so much before" he says getting closer

"What the hell does Nash and Maddy have to do with us? shit we can lock the door Cameron. I promise we'll have time together" I say biting my lip and stepping toward him.

"Good" he says

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him once more before returning to my seat. I sit down and cameron follows behind me. I lay my head on his shoulder and drift asleep
Sorry it's been forever been really busy😩
More chapters to come soon👌

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