Chapter 26

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Camerons POV

We sit in the waiting room while she's in surgery. Please god let her be okay. I can't live with her, she's my everything and the only person that I want. Please. I pray in my head while my face is in my hands.

"Mr. Grier" The doctors voice makes me look up. He mumbled something and Nash looks worried. The doctor goes back and Nash turns around with tears in his eyes. I stood up and walked toward him.

"What did he say?" I asked for everyone

He took a deep breath then smiled through the tears "she's gonna make it" he says. I hug him and let a few tears fall. I hear sighs if relief and joy.

"When can we see her?" I ask

"An hour" he says.


Allison's POV

I manage to pull my eyes open and look around the room. I have a cast on my left arm and breathing hurts. An unfamiliar guy comes into the room and smiles

"Glad to see your awake, you have quite the group of friend here for you" he says. I smile thinking of them

"Are you sore?" He asks

"Yeah" my voice cracks

"We can get you medicine for the pain if you'd like?" He says again.

"That would be great" I barley get out

"Talking will be difficult at first, it looks like you swallowed glass from the car. It will get easier" he says. "Can I let your friends in?" He asks. I nod.

He leaves for about two minute and then Cameron rushes into the room followed by everyone. My eyes fill with tears as I remember the last time I talked to Cameron.

"I'm sorry" I say as he sits next to me.

"Don't be" he says and I can't tell he is holding back tears. I put my good hand to his face.

"It's okay to cry sometimes" I smile.

He nods and he let's out the tears he was fighting off. He leaned up and kissed me softly.

"Allison" I hear Nash's voice

"I'm sorry I wrecked your car" I say

"I shouldn't have let you go in the first place" he said running his hand through his hair.

"It's not your fault" I say but he doesn't listen.

"You might think that but it's still partially my fault" he says

"Nash even if you said no I would have taken someone else's car, please don't blame your self" I say resting my good hand in his shoulder. He nods and sits in one of the several chairs.

Cameron sits next to me as I lay in the uncomfortable hospital beds. I just want to have a good day. I close my eyes and try to rest.


So the story will continue for now! Sorry it's a short chapter.

My next story is called The New Guy and it's Taylor Caniff 😏

When should I upload it, I have the first two chapters done already I don't know when I should upload it😅 comment and tell me!

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