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By the time we had reached the home for Adam, it was in the early stages of morning. We had walked all night, I was tired and sore, but Adam seemed unbothered by all the walking. He was taking in everything. All the sights and smells of being outside, he seemed to actually be enjoying himself.

"I'm here to check in Adam, my name is Elena Nance."

"One moment Miss Nance," the lady behind the receptionist desk responded. She turned away to look through some papers and I took the time to sit in one of the chairs and relax. The place Adam was staying at was sort of a halfway house. Its sole responsibility was transferring people from jail or mental hospitals back into functioning adults in society. They had little apartments set up with one person to each apartment where they had to cook, clean, and perform duties for themselves on their own. They also put them in contact with jobs so they could begin making their own living.

A group of five to ten people met each week so they could discuss how things were going and alleviate some fears by surrounding the people with like minds. I was going to be meeting with Adam every day at first to help him get settled and then the meetings were going to become more sparse.

"Mister Dawson, we need you in the front lobby." The lady said over the pager. Adam was standing by the door, his eyes closed and his leg shaking.

"Miss Nance," Mr. Dawson said as he emerged from outside, "how are you?"

"I'm great and please call me Elena."

"Blake Dawson, pleased to meet you."

We shook hands and his eyes wandered over to Adam who still had his eyes closed tight.

"Is this Adam?"

I nodded, "Adam, this is Mr. Dawson."

He didn't move. His eyes were still closed and his leg was still shaking. I coughed and forced a smile for Blake.

"He takes a little warning up. How about showing us to where he's staying?"

"Of course, follow me."

Blake walked out of the door first. Adam didn't move. I touched his arm gently, motioning for him to follow us, he opened his eyes slowly and began the same stare we always did. Staring right into my eyes and not blinking. He then peeled himself off the wall and walked side-by-side with me.

"We've built two new apartment complexes that are almost like houses. We're giving select people the chance to have roommates before they leave, I believe Adam could be one of the people selected."

"It would be good for him," I eyed Adam, "to be around other people. Communication and socialization are very important."

"I agree, that's a little far down the line though. For right now, we're going to focus on the little things."

We walked a little further before reaching a set of brick apartments. Blake unhooked some keys from his belt, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. The house was set up nicely. A large kitchen with all the major appliances, a dining room and a living room sat off on the kitchen. The living room had a couch and a television and the dining room had a small table. The room that I supposed would be Adam's bedroom was in a corner with the door closed.

"Seem okay Adam?"

Adam looked at him with intensity. His eyes staring hard at him as if he was challenging him. He then wrapped him arms around Blake and pulled him into a hug. My heart warmed.

"Well," Blake chuckled, "I'm glad you like your new home."

Adam released him and then wondered off around the house. Blake handed me a key that unlocked the front door as well as one that unlocked the bedroom door. He explained that there was some food in the fridge and to just call if we needed anything. Then he left and it was just me and Adam.

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now