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5 Months. 2 Weeks. 6 Days.

"I'm glad you're getting out tonight, I thought you were going crazy all cooped up in your house," Becca handed me another beer as we danced our way through the crowd of the bar. It was Friday night and my best friend in the entire world was home for the weekend. Of course, that meant that we had to go out drinking and clubbing. It was customary.

The Highdive club was a funky little bar about two towns over from where I lived. It wasn't as upscale as some of the other bars in the area which meant me and Becca had more freedom to have the wild fun we tended to have. She had my hand firmly in her grasp as she led me through the mass of sweaty, dancing people and to the other side of the bar where there was seating. We took a seat across from each other and Becca downed the rest of her beer.

"Another one?"

"You might want to slow down, we still have to make it back home."

She smiled, "it's really good to see you, it's been too fucking long."

"I agree, so what's been happening in the big city?"

She rolled her eyes, "I met this girl, she was great, but-"


"I don't know, I'm scared. I think I have commitment issues. She's perfect, I just don't want to rush into anything."

"You don't have to, let her know how you feel but tell her you want to wait until the right moment to make thing official. Don't let her slip away because she thinks you're not interested."

She groaned, "relationships are so complicated. What about you? Any fine guys catch your eye?"

I shook my head, "there's a cop who wants to go on a date, but I'm really not interested in that. He smokes like a chimney and he's kind of a dick."

"That's all? I cannot and will not believe that the only person in this town with eyes for the gorgeous Elena Nance is someone weird cop guy. You have to be lying."

"Well, way to make me feel bad," I took a sip of the drink in front of me with a playful smile.

"I'm just saying, you should go out and meet someone. I bet there are tons of great guys in this town, just take your pick."

I scoffed, "don't I wish it was that easy. I'm just not worried about it honestly, I feel like every time I get in my head that I want to be in a relationship, I rush into some half-baked shit and get hurt. I want to take my time, focus on me, and if it happens, it happens."

"You're admirable because I can't say no to anyone. I just love to-"


She rolled her eyes, "what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing until she gets hurt and someone gives you a taste of your own medicine."

Becca smiled and looked over at the crowd of people dancing, "dance?"

"I really shouldn't, I've had like two beers-"

She grabbed my hand and tugged me along, "excuses, excuse, come on."

Somehow we ended up in the thick of the dancing with people on every side moving to upbeat pop music. I felt Becca's hand drop and turned around just in time to see her following a blonde to the bar. I rolled my eyes and laughed, she was definitely a lady's woman.

The songs were changing pace quickly, going from upbeat pop music, to trap music, and a few slow songs were thrown in the mix. I stayed in the middle of the circle, dancing with my hands flying wildly and my hips moving from side to side. I felt free, just me letting everything go in a few dance moves.

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now