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"You're going to be so proud," I jumped at the kitchen sink as Adam ran into the house. How he got into the house was a mystery, but the smile on his face made up for it.

"What happened?"

"I got the job, you are looking at the newest member of Mike Pratt Industrial."

I wrapped him in a hug, "Adam! I'm so proud of you."

His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer, "thank you."

"When do you start," I pulled away, staring back at the happiness in his eyes.

"Monday. It's so close Elena, it feels so surreal."

"You earned this though Adam, I could not be more proud of you."

"I appreciate everything you've done for me. I can't repay you, but I honestly would like to show you how appreciate I am."

I shook my head, "you don't have to."

"I insist, let me cook dinner for you."

I raised an eyebrow, "you cook?"

"I can do a little something."

"Sure," I smirked.

"Watch it," he warned with a smile, "so how 'bout it?"

"If you want to cook, I won't stop you. I do like to eat."

"I know."

"You watch it," I poked his chest.

We both laughed, before silence consumed the room. Adam gave me a tender smile, rubbing his hand across my cheek gently. My stomach flipped and fluttered and a blush broke out under my deep, brown skin.

"Shall we go to the store?"

"After you," I smiled.

"You have to drive, still don't have a car."

"That's the next thing we're working on."

"Trust me," he held the door open, "already working on it."

"How'd you get in my house earlier?"

"I told Cat I was your boyfriend and she gave me a key."

My jaw dropped, "Adam-"

He laughed, "I'm kidding, your door was unlocked."

I hit his arm playfully and he laughed even harder.

"Get in the car before you get left."

"I dare you," he smirked.

"You think I won't," I raised an eyebrow.

Adam raised his hands in surrender, "on second thought, I won't test you."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now