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"I'm gonna miss you, Becca," we were currently in the middle of the airport trying not to have an all-out bawling fest as we said goodbye to each other. We said goodbye to each other a lot, but it never gets easier.

"I'm gonna miss you too, be sure to call and everything okay?"

"Of course, be sure to update me on your relationship status if anything changes with you know who."

She rolled her eyes, "you're worse than my mother."

"They don't call me the mom of the group for no reason."

The announcer came over the intercom and announced all the flights that would be boarding soon. She called out Becca's flight and we gave each other one last look over before she pulled me into a hug.

"Come back soon."

"I promise," she picked up her bags and gave me one last wave as she walked away. I wiped a single tear from underneath my eye and left the building in search of my car.

The car ride back was longer and sadder than the car ride to the airport. The journey there was filled with us laughing so hard tears were falling from our eyes and singing from the top of our lungs. I never really got to see Becca that much, she was some high official in some company that she always talked about but I could never remember. She had always had plans to move to New York and when she said eighteen her parents gave her money to ensure she was financially stable and then let her go.

I gripped the wheel a little tighter when I thought about parents. It had been months since the last time I called my mom and dad I felt horrible but at the same time, they hadn't made an effort to reach me either. I thought about what Adam said and groaned as I picked up my phone and quickly dialed my mom's number.



There was a brief pause on the line, "Elena? Is it you? Are you alright?"

My heart was slightly crushed by the fact that my mom only thought I called because I was in trouble or need.

"No, I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you. How are you?"

"I'm good, it's just such a surprise to hear from you. How are you?"

"I'm good, have you talked to Jaquan?"

"Yeah, he's good too. He calls almost every day to talk about his wife and his children. Did you know he had another child?"

"No, I didn't know that. Boy or girl?"

"A little boy, they named him Jacoby."

My breath caught a little, "that's amazing."

"He wanted to call you, but he said he wasn't sure what to say," she paused, "I've been thinking about you a lot Elena. I thought maybe you could fly out to California soon, or I could fly to New Jersey. You're my only daughter and we haven't been on the best terms."

"Mom, I would love for you to come out here or I could come to you, It's doesn't matter to me. You're right, we need to do better. There was a time I would call you almost every day and now we've-"

"How did we let it get like this?"

"I don't know. I mean, Jacoby-"

"He wouldn't have wanted this. He would want everyone together."

"I know," a few tears spilled from my eyes and ran down my cheek, "he would definitely want us to be better. Have you talked to dad?"

"Did he tell you he's getting married?"

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now