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"Are you okay?"

"My nerves are bunched in my stomach and I might puke, but other than that-"

Adam rolled his eyes, "it won't be that bad."

"You're right, it's going to be absolutely awful. I think I prefer going to the dentist."

"Ouch, your dad gets no credit huh?"

I smiled and then my face sunk into a frown.

"Hey," Adam sat the bags he had been packing into the trunk on the ground, "it will be fine and I will be with you every step of the way. I promise."

"Thank you," I kissed his cheek gently, "I still feel sick though."

"Nerves, they'll pass," he smiled.

"You seem like an expert."

"I know a thing or two about high stress situations."

He finished packing the bags and then came around to open the passenger door. I thanked him and he tapped the roof lovingly before getting into the car. The ride to the airport seemed long and never ending. The road wound itself in circles around the hills that popped up on the side. Adam's hand would squeeze mine in reassurance every so often and I would smile up at him.

"I have a surprise."

I raised an eyebrow, "a surprise?"

He nodded proudly, "can you reach my bag in the backseat?"

I turned around, leaning over the seat to try and reach Adam's bookbag. I grabbed it and sat it in my lap gently while returning to my seat and buckling my seatbelt.

"Look in the front pouch."

Confused, I unzipped the front pouch and dug my hand around before touching something smooth and metal. I pulled it out to reveal a tiny, round box.

"Open it," Adam commanded it with a nudge.

I flipped the box open, "a mirror? Really Adam?"

"Don't you think it's high time we join the mile high club?"

"Lame," I teased.

"Lame enough to get in your pants."

"Lucky," I corrected with a smile.

"Whatever you say Elena, but it takes a lot more than luck."

"Anyways, what are we suppose to do with a mirror on a crowded plane?"

He leaned in close, his breath brushing against my ear, "I'm going to leave that to you and your imagination."

My breath caught in my throat and we continued the rest of the ride in silence. Once we got to the airport we went through bagging and every other annoying hassle, before boarding the plane and taking our seats. The host came over the speaker to remind everyone of safety protocol and basic airplane rules.

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now