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"Wake up," I yelled shaking Adam's shoulder as he groaned and rolled over, "wake up!"

"Elena please, what time is it?"

"Oh so now you care about early mornings," I stated with a hand on my hip.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Happy birthday babe," I kissed his lips softly.


"Yeah, your boss called earlier and said he's giving you the day off because it's your birthday today."

He cracked a smile, "Elena-"

"I know, I should've known before now. I just never really got all the details, but it's your birthday and we are going to celebrate accordingly."

He smiled and sat up on the bed, pulling me in between his legs and wrapped his arms around my waist. Our lips touched briefly and he smiled.

"I have something to tell you," he whispered.


"It's not my birthday."


"I know what the application says, I lied."

I pulled away, Adam grabbed at my hips but I pushed him off.

"Can I explain?"

"I don't understand why you have to lie. I mean maybe I understand why you have to lie to the world and everyone out there, but why lie to me?"

My voice cracked and Adam pulled me into his lap. Snuggling his arms close around me and placing his chin on top of my head.

"I'm sorry baby, I do care for you Elena and I never meant for you to get tingled up in my shit. I have to tell you the truth."

"What's the truth?"

"Okay, well, let's start from the beginning. My name isn't Adam."

"Adam," I warned.

"Alright, I don't really know what my name is. I've never used the name given on my birth certificate, I just go with whatever name I feel works. I was John for a while, Cole, I even named myself Austin for like a day."


He bit his lip, "I never knew my mother or father, I was dropped off at an orphanage when I was young. The people who raised me the people I call my parents were just members of the church that owned the orphanage. They kept me until I was teenager and then I had to fend for myself. I've never really had a family, I kind of call everyone my family."

I stood up, "I don't mean to make things hard, but I can't trust you. How can I ever know what's real and what's fake if you refuse to be honest with me? With yourself?"

"This is my honesty Elena. I've had to bounce around a lot, I've been making due but sometimes I can't tell the truth."

"What about Jae and Emma?"

He sighed, "they didn't know."

"Are they even real?"

He stood up, "too fucking far Elena."

"What am I suppose to think? How am I suppose to feel Adam? I feel like the man I care for has been hiding himself from me."

"I know I was wrong, but Jesus cut me some slack Elena. My entire life I've had to do what needs to be done to survive and I finally find someone I can trust since god knows when and you treat me like a got damn freak. I know I'm fucked up I don't need you to confirm it."

"So now I'm the bad guy?"

"No ones calling you the bad guy Elena, if there's a bad guy in this got damn thing, it's me. I'm the dude with blood on my hands, I'm the murderer, I'm the liar, and cheater and deceiver. I'm sorry for that, I a-fucking-plogize. My bad got damn bad."


"No Elena, fuck that and fuck you. God you think you love someone and then-"

He paused. We both paused. The world paused for a second. He flopped down on the bed and placed his head in his hands. My stomach was tight and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"You love me?"

"Is that not obvious," he walked to me, "I know, I fall too hard too fast, but Jesus the love I feel for you is crazy. I've probably prayed once my entire life and every night now I get on my knees and thank God for you, for bringing you into my life and I beg him to keep you safe."

"Adam I-"

"I love you Elena, more than anything. The last love I felt this strong was when I held my daughter for the first time. Not to bring the mood down or anything."

I shook my head with tears pooling in my eyes, "I just want to be your safe place Adam. I want you to know that you can trust me and that I care for you so much."

He ran his thumb across my cheek, "I do trust you, I was just always scared of scaring you away."

"You could never scare me away. I already told you, you can't get rid of me now."

He smiled, "good. I don't know what I would do without you."

I kissed him softly, "I love you Adam."

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close to his body, "I love you Elena. From my head to my toes and all the little bits in between."

"I cooked you a birthday breakfast, but I guess we can eat it as a normal breakfast."

Adam kissed my nose, "you're adorable."

"Not too bad yourself."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. His fingers gripped my waist as if his lip depended on it his lips forceful against mine with a sweet hint of gentleness.

"After breakfast," I kissed his jaw, "comes desert."

"We don't have to."

"I know, but I'm ready."

"Fuck I'm glad to here you say that."

I smiled, "breakfast?"

"Let's skip it."

I rolled my eyes dramatically, "you expect me to have full stamina with an empty stomach?"

He scrunched his face in disgust, "nasty ass."

"Look who's talking."

A smile danced across his lips, "love you Elena."

"Love you Adam."

sorry this update is so late just getting settled into school and the swing of things. The classes seem kinda hard but I know I'll manage. Also I really like this chapter and I think Elena and Adam are adorable. Also feel free to follow me on tumblr my tumblr can be kind of explicit to 18+  username is kingcymba. Hope you guys enjoy thanks for the support.

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now