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I was shaking, but not exactly sure why. Here I was, standing in front of the police station with information that could potentially alter the entire investigation. Yet, telling seemed wrong. Christina had been a mess when I left, I was still incredibly pissed at her, but she didn't seem capable of trying to murder someone. Jolene wasn't dead, she was struggling, but very much alive. The only thing that would save my mother was a confession from the true culprit. I could tell on Christina, but what then? She goes to jail and rots with my mom while pregnant. It didn't seem realistic and it threw away my only lead.

Jeremy Redford.

I took a deep breath, turning away from the station and rounding the block. I sat patiently at the bus stop, kicking dirt around until it appeared. I had everything mapped out, I would confront Jeremy at his house, demand to know what happened, and hopefully have him confess. I needed to figure out why my mother would want to protect him, but that could be done after he was behind bars. The bus crept to a stop and I rose from my seat.

Their was a crisp chill to the air as I walked along the beat up sidewalk. Nothing made sense, but that was okay, because I was determined to find out the whole truth.

Jeremy lived in a large mansion, just outside the rest of the city. A large golden gate with a 'RF' sign in the middle sat in front of the house, covered in overgrown moss and flowers. I peered through the gates, noticing several expensive cars sitting in the driveway. One deep breath later, I clicked the intercom and waited as it wired me over.

"Redford residence, do you have an appointment?"

"No ma'am."

"Sorry miss, he can only be seen by appointment over. You can visit our website-"

"It's very important."

"I'm sure it is, but Mr. Redford is a very busy man. As I was saying-"

"Let her in," there was deep voice and the gate clicked open. I didn't question it, I pushed it back and walked inside. It was beautiful, light beige colored bricks made up the exterior of the house with a clean white barrier. The door was perched on top of a mountain of stairs with a small porch that a swing and bench sat.

The door opened when I took my first step on on the stairs. He was not at all what I had imagined when I heard about the famous Jeremy Redford. The hardened politician with a charming smile that could make anyone submit. His skin was aging, sinking in in certain spots and giving no doubts about how old he was. His eyes sunk deep into his head, but still giving off their childlike blue glow. His body was slightly hunched over and a gold cane sat in his right hand.

"Miss Nance, my, how are you dear?"

"Do I know you?"

He shook his head, "let's change that."

He offered me his free hand, I brushed passed it and walked through the open door. The inside was even more impressive, candles everywhere releasing a sweet scent into the air. White furniture me a pitch black grand piano seating in the corner.

"Do you like it?"

"It's a little much," I turned to face him, "but it's alright. You got all this on a politician's salary?"

"God no," he limped over to a bar sitting by a grand bookshelf, "I'm a businessman by trade. It's how I met your father."

"You know him well?"

"No, but my daughter does. I guess that makes us family but some standards."

"Some, but not mine."

He smiled weakly, "you are feisty. My daughter, she's a hard woman to break and yet she called me crying her eyes out. Scared of you."

"She should be, she lied, a dangerous lie."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now