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For the first time since we had met, I was hesitant to talk to Adam. The information I had learned over the weekend was troubling but strangely reassuring. Since the first time I had met him, I finally knew something about him that he didn't know. I always felt as if I was playing catch up, but now I had information. The feeling was strange and felt oddly similar to holding a toy over a child's head.

"Good morning Adam," I smiled as he opened the door. He looked the same; his face scrunched into a frown with his pajama pants on and a white t-shirt. He groaned and opened the door so that I could walk in. I set my bag down at the table and took a seat.

"How are you this morning."

"The same," he mumbled.

"I spoke to your roommate, Andre. Do you remember him?"

Shock. He turned slowly towards me and lowered himself into a chair at the dining table.

"What about him?"

"Listen, Adam-"

"I don't care what he told you. What do care about is the fact that you went behind my back. Isn't this whole thing suppose to be about trust?"

"Yes, of course, but you don't trust me enough to tell me anything. I've asked you questions, and you brush them off. What exactly would you have me do?"

"You earn trust. You don't understand me; you're not comfortable around me. I've spent my entire life around people I have to be cautious with. If you understood that, you'd understand why it's taking me a little time."

I swallowed hard, "Adam, I'm trying. This is my first time doing this as well, cut me some slack."

"What'd he tell you?"

I paused, I wasn't sure what to say anymore. I wasn't sure I wanted to bring up Adam's family a the moment, but that meant the only other thing to talk about was his relationship with Andre.

"Good news or bad news first?"

"Elena, don't test my fucking patience."

I was taken back. His tone was darker than it had ever been before and for some reason, the room felt small and uncomfortable.

"He talked about his love for you-"

"I figured he would, but there was nothing. Believe me or not, I did not love him. I was his friend, but he couldn't handle that."

"He talked about your wife and child."

Adam froze. He stared at me with an intense stare that rattled my bones. He was gripping the table, veins bursting from his forehead. I was scared of him. I had never been scared of him before, but this Adam was different primal.

"Make me a promise right fucking now."


"Do it!"

"What is it?"

"You will never, and I mean never, bring them up again. Promise that shit right now, or I swear to God-"

"I won't. I promise."

His body eased up, the tension that controlled him a few seconds ago slowly washing away. Adam stood up, threw the cup he had in the trash and slammed his chair against the table. I jumped, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"Can we get out of here today? Can we go somewhere?"

I nodded slowly, "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't care; it's too cramped in here."

"Alright, get ready, and I'll get the car."

Adam disappeared in a hurry. I heard the bathroom door slam, and once again I jumped. I was on edge, and I hated it. Common sense should have told me not to bring up the secret family of a man who was already pissed, but once again it failed me. The thought of being alone in a car with a very pissed off Adam scared me. I had no choice though, I needed to earn his trust as he said and this was the very first step.

"Are you ready to go," the bathroom door opened and Adam appeared dressed casually in sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

Adam opened the door and held it as I gathered my things. His had was outstretched against the door as he leaned against the frame. I dipped under his arm, and he followed me out the door, closing it behind him and locking it. My car was parked directly in front of the office, which we had to cross a small street to get through.

"Elena," Adam grabbed my arm, spinning me around so I could face him, "it didn't mean to scare you with my outburst back there. Please relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know, I just feel like shit. I shouldn't have-"

"It's over now. We both have a lot to learn about each other, and that won't happen over the course of a week. Please relax though, seeing you scared makes me feel like shit. I swear I would never lay a hand on you."

I nodded, but I was still very much afraid. It wasn't necessarily the words that had me scared; it was the look in his eyes. The primal look of an animal instead of a man. I told myself to act calmer, I didn't want Adam to feel bad. I unlocked the door, and we both slid in.

"Where do you want to go?"

"We can sit here if you'd like."

"This is more cramped than your apartment."

He sighed, "I needed fresh air."

"Do you want to go to a park? There might be one a couple of blocks down."

"I'm fine here," he opened the door and swung his legs out of the car. His back was turned to me, but for some reason, I could feel something different about him. His body posture was different; his words were different. I had struck a nerve when I mentioned his family and I wasn't sure how to recover from that.



He turned his head towards me, "my last name is Redford. Google me or whatever it is you have to do, but I thought you should know. Find out who I am."

"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather you tell me."

He looked at me. Not saying anything, just processing everything I suppose. I took in the way his hair fell gently down the side of his face and across his jawline. The way his brown eyes looked, troubled and tired. I studied his features, the natural pout of his lips and the small dip in his chin. His body was strong but soft. He had some firm spots of muscle, but also soft pudge that gave him a boyish look amongst the height and firm face he possessed.

"Elena," he sighed, "about Andre-"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone, and I shouldn't have-"

"It's alright. I just thought you should know that he's not friendly and he's very dangerous. He has a temper, and for your safety, I think you should leave him alone."

"You're probably right about that; he was livid when I visited his house."

"Can I tell you one more thing?"


"You won't hate me?"

"Of course not."

"I'm," he inhaled sharply, "I'm a murderer."

Author's Note
Honestly writing this story is so relaxing for me because the words write themselves. This is probably my favorite story I've written since Tamed. I always appreciate feedback and once again thanks so much for the support on this story and all my other works.
Edit : I added the video cause it makes me laugh

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now