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Today was the day. The dreaded wedding that everyone had been stressing about since it was even known it was happening. I tried to force on a smile, but after everything that I had happened, I couldn't imagine this wedding being anything more than a walking disaster.

"You look beautiful babe," Adam placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself."

"I know this hasn't been easy for you, but you're doing really good. Hey, after this is all over we'll laugh about this over pizza and beer."

"I hope so, I guess even as adults our family is just dysfunctional."

Adam smiled, "to put it lightly."

"I wish I was able to bring you into better circumstances."

"Really? I'm pretty sure I'm the one who drug you through family hell."

"Speaking of which," I fixed my necklace, "you find anything else about this Redford thing? Do you think you guys are related?"

Adam's face went pale, "no."

"No you didn't find anything or-"

"I just don't want to talk about it, your dad is about the marry this woman I don't want to worry about us being in-laws."

"Gosh I just about that, maybe we should do some digging then."

"Elena, I've learned that when you go looking for something, you're sure to find it. For me, it's better to not know than to know and be hurt."


"Hey look, we have a wedding to attend and I'd rather not bring the mood down."

"Too late," I took a deep breath, "you ready?"

"After you my dear."

The ride to the venue was quiet, a sort of awkward silence. Adam looked longingly out of the window and I played with my fingers, unable to bring up some substantial enough for conversation. We arrived about fifteen minutes later, it was a large mansion with a fountain sitting right in the middle of a circle driveway. Two staircases led up the the main house, purple and white flowers decorated the outside as people were exiting their vehicles and entering the building.

Valets took the keys from the incoming guest and drove their cars around the back of the building. The inside was even more impressive, more flowers along with waiters dressed in black and white handing out champagne in small flutes and small hors d'oeuvre. Their were chairs set up, ribbons tied around them and a white walkway with purple flowers on either side. My stomach was in knots.

All this elaborate stuff, even the chairs looked as if they were expensive. I remembered being young and everything being off limits because my father would constantly complain about the price.

"Elena," the voice snapped me out of my thought and I whipped around to see the lady of the hour. The bride.

"Hey, you look beautiful."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now