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I hummed a song, my fingers drummed across the computer in a motion that was all too familiar. My email was pulled up as I sent a kind 'no' back to job offers in as nice of a professional voice as I could muster up. My job was crazy glamorous, nor did it have a crazy glamorous check attached to it, but I loved it. Working with the children and seeing them go on to do bigger and better things gave me more satisfaction than any big check ever could.

Adam walked behind me, placing a hand on each of my shoulders and planting a kiss on my neck, "how's it coming along?"

"Pretty good, you heading out?"

"Yep," he slid his arms through his jacket, "duty calls."

"See when you get home. Love you."

"Love you more, bye."

Adam gave a small nod and closed the door loudly behind him. I continued typing for as long as I could before a yawn slipped out and I sat the computer next to me. I went to the kitchen in search of some form of caffeine, eventually finding a brew and placing it in the machine.

My phone buzzed softly on the counter and I turned to answer it.



"Dad? Hey? I mean hi, how are you?"

There was a soft chuckle on the line, "I'm good, how are you? It's been so long since the last time we spoke."

"Yeah," I bit my lip, "too long."

"I know and I take full responsibility for that, that's not why I called though. I spoke to your mother and she told me you'd be coming for the wedding."

I caught myself from groaning, "yep. I'll be there. Is it okay if I bring a guest?"

"Of course," he paused, "Elena I can't wait until you meet her, she's-"

"Dad I'm actually kind of busy right now, is it okay if I call you back?"

"Yeah of course, I just want you know that I-"

"Alright, talk to you later."

I hung the phone up quickly, turning back to retrieve my coffee while rubbing my temples. I didn't want to watch my father walk down the aisle with another woman. When my parents lived together it was literal hell on earth, always arguing and at each other's throats, but something just wouldn't let me be happy.

I sighed, walking back to the couch and curling up with my computer in my lap and my coffee close by. I took sips every so often while responding to emails and browsing the internet. Eventually I finished my coffee and yawns began coming through more frequently before I knew it I was snoring softly on the chair.

"Wake up sleepy head," Adam flicked the side of my head and I jumped up.

"Jackass," I mumbled.

"I tried calling to see what you wanted for dinner, you didn't answer."

"You're home early."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now