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Adam's work schedule consisted of two fourteen hour shifts, one sixteen hour shift, two off days, and 2 twelve hour shifts. I thought it was a miserable schedule to work, he loved it. He came home with a smile on his face telling me about the things he did. Driving the delivery truck across town to drop off wood and metal, unloading boxes, and several various task that required him to do moving and lifting. He would come home, talk for a while, and then fall asleep where ever he could find a spot. The moving in process took a while in-between his work and sleeping schedule, but he didn't have much to move so eventually the small room at the end of the hall was his.

"I love working, but god I need every single one of these off days," he wrapped his arms around my waist. My back pulled close to hi stomach as I stood at the sink washing dishes.

"You deserve them," I turned around and put my hands around his neck, "you work hard."

"Too," he planted a light kiss on my lips, "too fucking hard."

"What do you want to eat for dinner?"

He shrugged, "whatever you want to make, I'm not picky."

"I know," I kissed him, "I sometimes wish you were though. Your indecisiveness makes cooking very hard."

"Shouldn't it make it easy?"

"No, because I'm indecisive as well."

He smirked, pulling me closer and pushing his lips against mine with force. We were comfortable, not rushing into anything but enjoying being together. Being around him was nice, safe. He was the first thing that felt honest and good and that I could see myself having long term.

"Elena," he whispered, "can I tell you something?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"I think you're amazing," he kissed my nose, "and beautiful. I think the world of you."

"I think you're amazing too," I kissed his lips softly, "I think the world of you."

"I want you, I'm craving you."

"Craving me?"

"I haven't craved anyone this way in a long time," his hand roamed down my back, "in a very long time."

His lips crashed against mine, his hands firmly gripping my butt and squeezing with passion. His tongue slipping in between my parted lips and running passionately against my tongue.

"Oh," I said in surprise as he hoisted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. I could feel the source of his arousal, growing and throbbing underneath his pants.

"Fuck," he groaned against my mouth, my stomach tighten. His hands ran up through my shirt, over my breast, and eventually up my neck where he tightened his grip. He kissed all the way down, sucking lightly when he hit the spot behind my ear. I moaned loudly, a string of curse words rolling off my tongue.

His fingers ran over the button to my pants and I pushed his hand away slowly. I looked up into his eyes and he looked back down, staring at me with passion.

"Not tonight," I whispered.

"Too soon," he laid his forehead against mine.

"It's not that, I just want to wait a while. Is that okay?"

"Fuck Elena don't ask me that," the change in his voice made me jump, "you don't ever have to ask me that. Whatever and whenever you choose is going to be fine with me."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now