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"Never have I ever smoked."

"Smoked what?"


I reluctantly lowered one finger while Adam's smile quickly turned into shock.

"You've smoke before?"

"Back when weed was the cool thing to do in high school, I was honestly so young I barely remember any of it."

"Wow, I am glad you suggested this game. I might have to report you to the police."

"Touché," I smirked.

"You're evil," he smiled back, "and it's your turn."

Dante's Pizzeria, the pizza place Adam had planned on taking me to was packed so instead of sitting in and eating, we ordered some wings and two large pizzas and returned back to my house. I came up with the brilliant idea to play 'never have I ever' which I was currently regretting.

"Okay, never have I ever," I pause trying to think of something, "stole something."


I shrugged, "it was the only thing I could think of."

Adam lowered one of his fingers cautiously almost as if he didn't really want to admit to it. His face was turning a bright shade of red and a stifled a laugh.

"What'd you steal?"

He rolled his eyes playfully, "my dad really wanted this watch when I was younger and I didn't understand the whole idea of paying for things so I snuck it into my bag and walked out the store with it."

My jaw dropped, "what'd he say?"

"He was like you're not suppose to take things that aren't yours but since we made it out of the store let's just keep going."

I laughed, picking up a wing and taking a bite as Adam thought up another question. He tapped his bottom lip as if he were searching through his memory for the perfect question to ask, as if it mattered a lot to him.

"Hurry up and think."

"Don't rush me woman."

"You're going to take all night just to come up with one question?"

Adam rolled his eyes again before sticking his middle finger up at me. I opened my mouth in shock and shot one back at him.

"Alright, never have I ever cheated?"

"In school or on someone?"

"On someone."

"Guilty," I muttered, lowering one finger down and preparing to explain to Adam the story of how I almost got married.

"This I must hear."

I sighed, "it was a really long time ago, I was dating this guy and we were both in college and he was young and sexy and successful and we both had a lot of dreams and so we just hit it off. A couple of months into us dating one of my friends called me and said they saw him with some woman and they were super close and stuff and I kinda brushed it off but then every week different friends were sending me pictures of him and some random woman. So instead of asking about it, I got drunk and had sex with the first guy I met. Turns out the woman was his sister and he was talking to her about wedding plans."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now