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his name is Ben Dahlhaus. he's your Adam. that is all. enjoy the chapter.

"I'm here to see Dr. Baker please."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but it's very important. Please, tell him Elena Nance is here to see him."

"Miss Nance he is a very busy man and I'm afraid I can't let you see him unless you have a prescheduled appointment. I'd be happy to make one for you."

I sighed, "when's his lunch break?"

She pressed her lips together in a forced smile, "Miss Nance-"

"Listen, I am currently in a situation with a man who has confessed to murder. I need to speak with Dr. Baker immediately."

She took a deep breath, "you want honesty? He's out. He told me to hold off anyone who was here to see him today because he's technically supposed to be here. Try his house."

"Thank you, I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it. Your life seems to be a bit difficult right now."

You don't know the half of it.

I thanked her again and she penciled down his address for me. I almost ran to my car, but I stopped myself in my tracks before I even reached the door. What exactly did I want the doctor to tell me? He couldn't have known about Adam's past, that seemed like the information he would share. Then again, he could know. Then why say nothing? I wasn't sure what was worse having a killer living under your nose and not knowing or knowing and saying nothing.

"Hello Dr. Baker it's Elena Nance, I'm on my way to your house right now I really need to speak with you. If you get this message please call me back, it's about Adam."

I slammed the phone down on the passenger seat, weaving through traffic like I had nothing to lose. Suddenly Adam's face popped into my head, the sad look on his face as he begged me not to hate him. I was conflicted. On one side it was entirely possible that there was a justified reason for his crime, on the other side, it was just that, a crime. A crime that he would eventually have to answer for if he hadn't already.

Dr. Baker lived in a beautiful home on the older side of town. There wasn't much but a few shops and huge houses from people who had retired well. I could hear the doorbell ring after I had pushed the button, a little jingle went through the house before there was shuffling around. The door opened a few seconds later and an older woman in a robe stood before me. She was short and her back having a curve in it did nothing to help. She didn't look like the friendly, old woman they advertised in movies, she looked ill.

"Hello ma'am, I'm looking for Dr. Baker, is he home?"

"Reggie, there is someone for you at the door."

She turned and walked away leaving the door wide open which I took as an invitation to walk in. I seated myself in a chair and she sat down in front of me, staring blankly at the wall above my head."

"Honey, I told you not to open the door-"

It was strange seeing the doctor out of his usual long, white lab coat. It was like when I first realized teachers had lives outside of work. He stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat and speaking.

"Elena, what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I am extremely sorry for busting in on you like this, but we need to talk about Adam?"

"Is everything okay? Are you okay? Is he?"

"Physically yes, mentally no."

"He was in a hospital, Elena."

"You don't understand. He confessed something to me, something very serious."

He turned to his wife, "honey, why don't you go lie down and me Elena are going to talk."

She stood up without saying anything and disappeared around the corner. Dr. Baker took her seat and leaned in close to me.

"We got into an argument of sorts. He was extremely upset that I had gone to see Andre."

"Did he say why?"

"He said he wanted me to trust him. I can see where I messed up, but that's the bad part."

"He didn't harm you did he?"

I shook my head, "No, of course not. Andre told me that Adam had a wife and child, he said Adam made him promise never to talk about them. Adam got very confrontational when I bought it up. Then he told me that he was a murderer."

The doctor looked stunned but not as shocked as I felt he should've been. He had just learned that one of his patients was a killer and the most he could muster up was a dropped jaw.

"Honestly, when people come in with no past you know they're up to no good. I would never have figured though."

"So you had no idea?"

"Of course not, do you think I would have allowed this little expedition if I thought he was a killer? Do you think we should go to the police?"

"I want more information. There's a huge difference between I got into a fight and he hit his head wrong and I broke into someone's house and stabbed them. I mean this could honestly be just a misunderstanding."

"Don't get too tied up with Adam," he stated suddenly and bluntly.

"What do you-"

"You care and that's amazing because I care about these people too. I wouldn't do this if I didn't, but don't get your hopes up. Adam may never be societies definition of normal and that means he may never go home. I just don't want you to get attached to a dream. I've done it too many times, I know how it feels to fall off cloud nine."

"I just want to help him."

"That's what we all want," he stood, "I won't say anything to anyone until you want me to. Find out what you want to know."

"I don't know where to start."

"Who do you think knows more about Adam than Adam?"

"Thank you, Dr. Baker."

"Please, call me Reggie. Have a nice day Elena."

The door shut and for some reason, I felt as if I was at square one again. I had to talk to Adam at some point, I was too curious to let it go. I wanted to know why, how, I wanted to know if the sweet, docile creature I had met was actually cold enough to kill someone. As I climbed back into my car, a million thoughts raced through my head. What if I was completely in over my head? What if I was wrong? What if he was perfectly capable of being a killer?

It was late when I arrived at Adam's apartment. The car ride over had given me time to think about everything I had decided I was just going to be upfront about it. I was going to demand answers. I was no longer going to play games, I needed my questions answered and he was going to answer them.

I got out of the car and walked towards the building only to be met by lines of yellow, 'do not cross' tape. My heart was ringing in my ears and two strips laid over Adam's door in an 'X'.

"Adam, what'd you do."

Author's Note
Cliffhangers are honestly my favorite thing ever.

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