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"Let's go dancing."

I rolled over, still very much asleep as Adam excitedly hovered over me. I rubbed my eyes, confirming that this was in fact real life and not some sort of dream.


"Yeah, let's take a salsa class or something."

I groaned, "it's too early for your off the walk ideas."

"Never too early, my mom always use to say there is no time like the present."

"My mom always use to say coffee first."

"We can stop at a Starbucks."

I rolled my eyes before rolling over to check the clock.

"Adam, it is 7 o'clock in the morning and you're waking me up to talk about dancing. Don't you want to spend your off day doing normal people shit, like sleeping in late."

He laughed, "I did sleep in late, I'm usually up earlier than this."

"In that case I don't think this is going to work."

"Too late, you're stuck with me," he rubbed my cheek, "'my little sleepy angel."

"Stop flattering me."

"I can only ever tell the truth."

I rolled my eyes once again, "way to kiss ass."

"I'd rather me lips be somewhere else," he whispered leaning in close.

"You wake me up this early again and your lips will never make it that far."

"You say that now," he winked.

"Why do you want to go dancing Adam? Of all the things to do."

"Because I've never been. I want to try new things with you, that's what cute couples do. Right?"

"A couple," I sat up, "I don't remember being asked to be anyone's girlfriend."

"You pretty much confirmed it when I sucked your neck and you moaned."

"Get off my bed," I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. He dodged it pretty easily and threw it back. My dodging skills weren't as good and the pillow bounced off my head.

I raised an eyebrow and picked up another pillow, he smirked and ran out of the room. I smiled, satisfied that I had won. Until he came back into the room with two pillows off his own bed.

"Say hello to my little friends," he said with a wink.

And thus a pillow fight began. Adam was a wild man, swinging the pillows madly and only actually hitting me a few times. I, on the other hand, had to think out every single step and would only swing my pillow when I spotted openings. We were both laughing until our stomachs began to hurt.

"You win," Adam said breathlessly.

"I would like my winning honors please," I poked my lips out.

He smiled, leaning down and kissing me gently, "you don't play fair, but good win."

"Hey don't be a sore loser."

He fell back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

"Changed your mind about dancing?"

"I'm too fat," he sighed, "that winded me."

"You're sure it's not my amazing beauty," I teased.

He propped himself up on his elbows, "it honestly might be. I haven't really got use to the fact that I'm in a relationship with the most beautiful woman in the world."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now