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Jogging, as mundane as it seemed to most people, was actually one of my favorite past times. There was nothing like waking up early, pulling my hair into a ponytail, and taking off down the street to run my stress and worries away. I laced up my tennis shoes, put on my favorite playlist, and began the run to the local grocery store. That was how I got into running, going out every morning to get breakfast from 63rd Foods Mart. It was owned by two sisters, they were older women who loved giving back and helping the community, so shopping with them made me feel good.

The store was empty this morning, but that was usual. Most people did their shopping the week before or at night, not usual at six in the morning. I picked up my standard breakfast menu, eggs, oatmeal, orange juice, and cheese just in case I thought my eggs needed a little kick. I picked up some bread and sandwich meat too for lunch. Miss Josephine, the older sister, was at the cash register waiting with a big smile on her face. She was shorter than her younger sister but more firey than anyone would expect. She was a sweetheart but drop something in her store and there would be hell to pay.

"How are you this morning lovie?"

"I'm good Miss Jo, how are you? How's Anne?"

"I'm doing great, Anne went to go spend the week with her son and his girlfriend. They're having another baby."

"Well, that's exciting."

"For her maybe, shit, it won't be long before they dump them off here for me and Anne to keep. I love my nephews and nieces and all their children but keep 'em home. I'm too old to be running and yelling after kids."

I smiled, "well I bet they enjoy their time here."

"I bet they do, they tear up every damn thing."

"They can't be that bad."

"Child please, those kids are the damn devil. I hate to be mean to them, but if I don't put my foot down they'll run me to the jailhouse."

I laughed, "you are too much Miss Jo."

She smiled, pushing her cheeks all the way up and squishing her light brown eyes into almost non-existence. She and her sister both had beautiful brown skin that they had managed to keep healthy all these years. They were older women, but they still had a youthful look to them. Miss Jo rang me up, I paid, and then put a couple of bag on each arm.

"Have a good day hun."

"You too, see you guys later."

The bags were like small weights, which made my run more difficult but also more exciting. When I arrived at my house, there was sweat pouring down my face and back and my arms were on fire. I sat the bags down on the porch and fished in my pocket for the key.

"She's home," Cat yelled, running over to me excitedly and being followed by an Adam who looked much less excited.

"Hey Cat."

"Goodmorning Elena, your handsome friend is back," she winked at me and nudged Adam's arm who gave her the most intense look of discomfort. I bit my lip to hide a smile.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Don't forget we're having neighborhood clean-up day next Friday," she grabbed Adam's bicep, "we could use a big, strong man like yourself."

Cat winked again before rushing off to the next thing she had to do. Adam turned to me, his face stuck in an intense look of confusion, I laughed out loud this time. I felt bad, but when I looked up and saw Adam with a smile on his face too, I felt better.

"So that's funny to you, huh?"

I smiled, "yeah, a little. Cat's a wild one, but she's nice. If you're uncomfortable just let her know and she'll tone it down a bit."

Adam [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now