Chapter One: New Puppy

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Taehyung's Pov

"Hyung, help me decide what type puppy I should get"I asked Jin while looking at all the aisles of dogs, barking with joy seeing me, I smiled at them. "I can't choose, they're all so cute~"

"How about this one?"

I turned to Jin, seeing he was carrying a small puppy, it's fur was brown, it laid down comfortable on Jin's arms, I nodded, walking over to the puppy and hugged it.

"I love it"I smiled, Jin nodded.

"Alright then, I'll get some supplies and pay the cashier then we can take this little guy home"Jin petted the puppy's ear, smiling, he then walked off, I stayed in my place, continuing to carry the puppy.

"We're going to be best friends forever"I smiled, seeing the puppy open its eyes on me, it licked my hands, I giggled when I felt its tongue was tickling my hand.


I looked up, seeing Jin motioning me to come up the cashier, I nodded and made my way there, I showed the cashier the puppy, the cashier took a look at the puppy and turned back to her cash register screen.

"That puppy is very special"she smiled.
"Make sure you treat him well okay?"

She petted the puppy's head, I nodded.

"I promise to take care of him"I promised, Jin patted my back.

"He's your full responsibility Taehyung, treat him well"Jin told me, I nodded.

"Now then, have you decided a name for your new puppy so I can give him a collar with his name of it"the cashier said, I thought of what name to call the puppy.

"Hmm, I think I'll call him Jungkook"I smiled.

"I'll be back with the new nametag"the cashier said and  walked to her office, I played with Jungkook's ears, seeing he was enjoying it.

The cashier came back, handing me a black collar with Jungkook's name on it, it put it around Jungkook's neck and hugged him again.

"Take care"she smiled, me and Jin thanked her and waved goodbye, we walked out and got in Jin's car, Jin started driving the car as I rolled the window down, letting  Jungkook feel the fresh air hitting us.

I laughed when I saw Jungkook's tongue was out while the air hit his face, I held onto him so he didn't fall off the truck, Jin stopped the car when we got home, I got off with Jungkook in my hands while Jin stayed behind to take out the things for Jungkook.

I walked inside.

"Namjoon hyung, we're home!"I called out, seeing Namjoon coming down the stairs while rubbing his eyes.

"Welcome back"he yawned, he then spotted Jungkook in my arms.
"Cute, a little puppy"

He then played with Jungkook's ears, Jin walked in with bags on both of his arms, Namjoon went to help him out.

I continued to hug Jungkook, seeing him resting.

"Best friends forever Jungkook"I smiled. "Best friends forever"

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now