Chapter Thirty-Seven: Pleasurable Night

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Jungkook's Pov

Taehyung gasped.

"Such a naughty baby I have"Taehyung smirked. "How can you change from innocent to sexy in a second?"

I shrugged.

"Because I'm your baby"I said, Taehyung chuckled.

"Well then, my baby will get pleasured tonight"Taehyung smiled.

I saw him reach out for something in the bedside table, he took it out, dabbing his fingers inside while it looks like something gooey came out.

He then turned to me.

"I don't want to hurt you while doing this"Taehyung told, he then pushed a finger on my hole, I moaned loudly.

Taehyung then inserted another, he began scissoring me, I threw my head back, feeling pleasure.

Taehyung pulled away, he turned to me.

"Now you're ready baby"Taehyung smiled. "Turn around and lay on your stomach."

I nodded as I turned around, laying on my stomach, waiting for Taehyung's next order.

"Now, who's your daddy, baby?"Taehyung asked.


Taehyung pushed his length inside me, groaning at the tightness, I whimpered.

"Stay calm baby, it'll go away soon, breathe in and out"Taehyung told me, I nodded, trying to control my breath. "I'll move slowly until your comfortable okay?"

I nodded again.

Taehyung began moving slowly, I whimpered as tears fell from my eyes.

"It'll get better I promise baby"

After a few moments I started to adjust to his size.

"F-faster"I moaned out, Taehyung nodded, speeding up his pace, he held my hips tight, causing me to moan out loudly.

"Found your sweet spot"Taehyung groaned as he continued, I breathed in and out heavily, feeling pleasure overtake me.

"A-again"I moaned.

"As you wish baby"Taehyung managed to say clearly, I moan loudly again and again, feeling my stomach growing in knots. "I'm...I'm..."

Taehyung stopped, I was about to whine but Taehyung pulled out, turning me around, I was facing Taehyung now.

Taehyung slammed back into me as he sped up his pace, I arched my back in pleasure.

Taehyung lifted one of my legs gently, thrusting deeper inside me, I moaned out loudly.

"Shit...I'm close..."Taehyung groaned, I whimpered.


"I know baby..."Taehyung groaned in pleasure. "M-me too...t-together..."

I nodded.

I moaned out loudly as I came, breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath, Taehyung continued thrusting a bit more.

"W-where do you want my cum, Kookie?"Taehyung moaned.

"I-inside me"I whimpered, Taehyung nodded.

After a few more thrusts, Taehyung came inside me, murmuring in relief while riding out his high.

He pulled away from me, I whimpered, Taehyung wrapped both of us in a blanket, he hugged me close to my chest.

"D-did you like it?"Taehyung asked, I nodded.

"I-it was great"I mumbled, feeling sleepy.

"Glad you liked it"Taehyung murmured, kissing my forehead gently as he snuggled close to me. "I love you Kookie"

I smiled.

"I love you too"I mumbled, both of us already into deep sleep together.

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