Chapter Seven: Bond

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Taehyung's Pov

The Next Day

"So your dog was a hybrid all along" Jimin was currently examining the younger boy who was sitting on the couch, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers, I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

Jimin called me that him and Hoseok were coming over, but being the Jimin he is, he called at six in the morning, I wasn't a morning person.

Jungkook then laid down on the couch, still covering himself with a blanket.

"You should let him share your clothes Taehyung," Hoseok told as he examined Jungkook's ears, seeing them twitch a little.

"I don't like sharing clothes"Jungkook spoke. "It doesn't feel comfortable"

"I'll buy you new clothes then"I sat in front of Jungkook, stroking his ears, causing the younger to flinch away at the touch.

I pulled away.

"Still not used to me being soft huh?"I said, Jungkook nodded slightly.
"Sorry about that, I really am"

I gently caressed Jungkook's cheek, causing the boy to hide his face in the blanket, I smiled

"Aww, he's shy~" Jimin fanboyed, along with Hoseok, I shook my head.

"These guys"I sighed, I then shook Jungkook 's shoulder, the younger peeked his head out of the blanket, looking up at me.

"Wanna go to the mall and buy you some clothes?"I asked, Jungkook nodded slowly.

"Wait, what is a mall?"Jungkook asked, tilting his head to the side, I turned to both Hoseok and Jimin seeing they were looking at each other for a moment.

They then smiled.

"Mall trip!"

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now