Chapter Twenty-Seven: Love?

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Jungkook's Pov

The Next Day

"So you two are a thing now?"

"How did that even happen overnight?"

I opened my eyes sleepily, rubbing them, I sat up, yawning.

"Look who's awake"

I opened my eyes, seeing Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung were staring at me, I felt my cheeks heat up.

"W-what?"I mumbled quietly, more in a whisper, I felt the bed shift, seeing Taehyung placed a hand on my cheek, lightly carressing it.

"Nothing, you're too cute when you're tired"Taehyung cooed, I pouted.

"No I'm not"I protested, Taehyung chuckled.

"Alright then."Taehyung smiled as he kissed my lips, I froze at the sudden contact.

What are we now?

"So you two are an official couple now?"Yoongi asked.

"I guess?"Taehyung said, more in a form of a question.

Yoongi turned to me.

"So, are you guys official?"

" do you mean?"I asked, Yoongi sighed.

"I'll take that as a yes"

"We're still going to the club right?"Jimin asked.

"A club?"I asked, Jimin nodded.

"I don't think its safe to take Jungkook, he still doesn't know anything yet"Yoongi told.

"But this could help him learn a little bit of what we people do"Taehyung said. "Besides he won't run off, he can stick with us at all times"

Yoongi turned to me again.

"Do you think you can handle all that Jungkook?"Yoongi asked.


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