Chapter Twenty-Eight: Drinks

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Jungkook's Pov

Few Hours Later

"How do I look hyung?"

Taehyung turned towards me, seeing the suit he bought me in the store.

Taehyung turned towards me, seeing the suit he bought me in the store

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"Wooo, looking good Jungkook"Hoseok cheered, I slightly blushed.

"Thanks Hoseok"I smiled. "I like your suit too"

"Thanks"Hoseok smiled while looking at his outfit.

Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at their suits too

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Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at their suits too.

Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at their suits too

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"We're good looking too"both Hoseok and Taehyung smiled while talking in unison

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"We're good looking too"both Hoseok and Taehyung smiled while talking in unison.

"Come on, we don't have all the time in the world"Yoongi yawned, also wearing a suit.

"Come on, we don't have all the time in the world"Yoongi yawned, also wearing a suit

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"Let's go"Jimin said.

"Race you all!"Taehyung shouted ad he ran out of his room, before grabbing my hand and dragging me along.

Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok followed behind us.

Taehyung got in the car, I followed as Yoongi entered his own following behind him was Jimin and Hoseok.

Taehyung turned the car on, driving to the bar with Yoongi behind us, Taehyung rolled the window down, letting the air in.

I stick my head out, feeling the breeze, I turned to Taehyung, seeing he looked back at me and smiled.

I smiled back as I turned my head out the window, smiling while laughing, feeling excitement for the first time.

After ten minutes, Taehyung turned off the car, he got off as I did the same.

We both walked inside the club, seeing a lot of people.

"Wow"I said in awe, Taehyung held my hand, making sure I didn't get lost.

"You like it?"Taehyung shouted through my ear, due to loud music that was playing.

"Yeah, it's really nice!"I shout back.

"Let's go get drinks!"Yoongi shouted over us, we all nodded, making our way to the drinking booth.

We all sat on a booth, Yoongi was paying for all our drinks so we each got one, I grabbed my small glass cup, examining it in curisosity.

"Try only a little bit, you might not like it"Taehyung told me, I saw he finished his drink in less than a second, I nodded, assuming it'll be good.

Instead of taking a sip, I drank the whole glass cup, finishing my drink, I felt my throat burning, almost gagging at the taste.

"Did you like it?"Taehyung asked, I nodded, lying.

Taehyung then turned to the bartender.

"Two more please"

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