Chapter Thirty: Caught

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Jungkook's Pov

"T-Taehyung..."I whispered.

"Who the hell are yo-"

"Get the fuck off of him you fucking whore!"Taehyung yelled, he stomped over to me and Cat, he pulled Cat away from me.

Throwing her to the floor, he grabbed onto my wrist tightly, dragging me out of the bathroom.

"T-Taehyung I-"

"Shut up"Taehyung growled, I closed my mouth shut, feeling scared.

Taehyung lead us out of the club and into his car, he pushed me in as he got in his own seat, driving back home.

I looked down at my lap, biting my lip in nervousness, I looked up at Taehyung, seeing he still had that serious face that scares me.

That could kill someone like me, I wanted to say something but no words came out.

Taehyung stopped the car, he turned it off and got out, he dragged me out and continued to drag me into his home.

Taehyung slammed the front door then when we both walked in his room he slammed it shut also.

He pushed me down the bed, still glaring at me with his eyes, I gulped.

"Do you even know how fucking scared I was when you disappeared out of nowhere?"Taehyung spoke, his tone deep and serious, I whimpered.

"I-I'm sorry"I looked down in shame, Taehyung lifted my chin up, making me look at him in the eye.

Taehyung then kissed me, I kissed back while feeling Taehyung held onto my cheeks as I hugged his neck, deepening the kiss.

"It was so naughty of you to let someone random to take advantage of you like that"Taehyung murmured, I saw a grin growing on his lips. "And for that...Daddy has to punish you."

A/N: Get ready.

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now