Chapter Twenty-One: Food Lover

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Jungkook's Pov


I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing them with a yawn, I looked up, seeing Namjoon looking down at me.

"Jin called you to eat thirteen minutes ago"Namjoon told.

"Okay"I yawned, Namjoon walked away to the kitchen I assumed.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen also, seeing Namjoon was helping Jin wash dishes.

I looked at the kitchen table, seeing a bowl of black bean noodles, I licked my lips.


I rushed over to the bowl, grabbing it and stuffing my face on the bowl, eating the noodles.

I pulled away from the bowl when I was done, feeling full.

"Jungkook, clean yourself with a napkin."Jin told me. "You stained your face and clothes a little."

I nodded, grabbing a napkin and cleaning myself, once I was done I threw it away, I grabbed the bowl and walked towards the sink.

Jin grabbed the bowl from me and began washing it.

"Thanks for the noodles hyung"I bowed my head in gratitude.

"You're welcome"Jin smiled. "I made another bowl so Taehyung could eat more later."

"I'll go wake him up"I said, I walked out of the kitchen, making my way to Taehyung's room.

I stood by Taehyung's old room door, I hesitated to open it or not.

I was about to place my hand on the doorknob, but stopped when it turned.

I looked up, seeing a familiar face.


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