Chapter Thirty-Five: Officially Together

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Taehyung's Pov

Three Weeks Later

"My poor babies"Jin hugged me and Jungkook tight.

"We're okay hyung, I feel better now"Jungkook smiled, I nodded.

"Eomma still has to take care of you both no matter what"Jin said.

I shook my head.

"Don't worry hyung, I'll take care of him, he is my dog after all"I smiled, I turned to Jungkook. "But more importantly he's not just only my dog, he's the one I love"

Jungkook blushed at the statement.

"I didn't knew about this"Jin gasped. "When are you guys going to get married and have kids?"

"Wait what?!"me and Jungkook exclaimed in unison, Jin laughed.

"I'm just teasing"

"I wouldn't mind if we do get married or have kids"I smirked at Jungkook, the younger blushed as he gently slapped my shoulder.

I chuckled, kissing the younger.

"I love you Kook"I smiled.

Jungkook smiled back.

"I love you too Tae"

One Month Later

"You may now kiss the groom"the pastor said, I turned to Jungkook, seeing him blushing, I smiled at him and kissed him as the crowd went wild.

Some were cheering loudly and some were whistling.

We both pulled away, Jungkook turned towards the crowd, he turned his back and threw the bouquet of flower, he turned back, seeing it fell on someone.

The whole crowd turned to the lucky person, it landed on Hoseok, Hoseok's eyes widened in shock along with Yoongi.

Yoongi then kissed Hoseok, causing the younger to blush.

Jungkook turned towards me as I smiled.

"Love you Kim Jungkook"

"Love you too Kim Taehyung."

After Wedding

I carried Jungkook bridal style into my room, kissing him as he kissed me back.

I placed him down on the bed gently, towering over him.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"I asked, Jungkook nodded. "I don't want to hurt you because of your wound"

"I'll be fine Tae, just be gentle"Jungkook said, I kissed his nose.

"I'll do just more than that"I murmured, leaning in on Jungkook's lips again. "I'll pleasure you."

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