Bonus: Recall

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A/N: Can you blame me? I love this story, I miss updating it :'(.

Taehyung's Pov

"I still can't believe you humped that poodle though."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Come on Tae, that was one time."

Jungkook was nestled on my chest as we both sat on the couch, both of us covered with a blanket.

I chuckled.

"Yeah, the day we went to the park with Jin and Namjoon."I told. "I also still didn't know you were a hybrid back then."

"You used to punish me a lot."Jungkook pouted, I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry baby."

Jungkook looked up at me and smiled.

"You know I forgive you Tae."

Jungkook kissed me, I kissed back.

"And I forgive you too."

We both pulled away, Jungkook turned his head towards the hallway.

"They're asleep Kook."I told him. "They're fine."

Jungkook turned back and nodded.

"You know how protective I am over them."Jungkook giggled, I chuckled.

"You're becoming a lot like Jin hyung."I laughed. "All you need is to tell everyone dad jokes then boom. You're Jin."

Jungkook shook his head.

"Jin hyung is alright, I don't want to become him though."Jungkook told. "Right now I'm your baby Kookie."

"My baby Kookie."I smiled. "My one and only."Jungkook smiled back.

"My one and only Tae."Jungkook snuggled closer to me, I gently stroked his hair.

"Remember the time we first went to the club together?"

"I rather not talk about that."Jungkook shuddered at the memory, I chuckled.

"Okay."I said. "Remember to always know I love you and our little pups."

"Always remember I love you both too."


I held Jungkook closer to me, closing my eyes as the two of us fell into slumber.

"Also remember to babysit YoonSeok's kid tomorrow."I mumbled.

"Okay."Jungkook mumbled back.

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now