Extra: Chapter Forty: Wedding

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A/N: Both Hoseok's and Yoongi's wedding day.

Hoseok's Pov

One Year Ago

I gulped while I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling nervous about the wedding, Jungkook patted my back.

"It'll be okay hyung, you'll be fine"Jungkook smiled, I nodded.

"I'm a bit scared though, I never knew I would marry at a young age"I said, fixing my tie.

"You're a lucky man hyung"Jungkook smiled.

"I should thank you Jungkook, you threw that flower bouquet"I explained.

"You caught it"Jungkook said, I nodded.

"True"I looked at myself in the mirror. "I still can't believe it"

Yoongi's Pov

"I can't believe I'm getting married already"I said as I combed my hair, making sure it didn't looked badly combed. "It feels like just yesterday I first kissed Hoseok at the clothing store at the mall"

Taehyung chuckled.

"Hoseok is a lucky man"Taehyung smiled.

I nodded.

"I also knew he had a crush on you for sometime"Jimin added, I slightly rolled my eyes.

"I know that shortie"I laughed, Taehyung laughed too as Jimin pouted.

"As long as you don't hurt Hoseok, nothing bad will happen to you"Jimin threatened.

"Yes mother in law"I sarcastically said, chuckling, Jimin shook his head.

"Whatever"Jimin mumbled.

Few Minutes Later

I stood by the pastor as I saw Hoseok walking by the aisle of white carpet, with Jimin intertwined his arm with Hoseok's while Jungkook placed flower petals in front of them, him and Jimin were his best man while Taehyung was mine.

Jimin let go of Hoseok as they made it towards my side.

"Take good care of him"Jimin told me as he stood besides Hoseok and Jungkook.

I turned to Hoseok as he turned to me, we both smiled.

The pastor began to speak.

We didn't pay attention to his words, only to each other.

"I love you Hobi, I wouldn't want to change you for someone else"I whispered, Hoseok smiled.

"Me too"Hoseok whispered back, I smiled also.

"Will you, Min Yoongi, take Jung Hoseok to be your lawfully wedded husband?"the pastor said.

"I do"

"And you, Jung Hoseok, will you take Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"Hoseok said.

"You may now kiss the groom"

I leaned towards Hoseok, cupping one of his cheeks and kissed him gently, hearing loud cheers and clapping from the room.

I pulled away smiling at Hoseok, Hoseok smiled back.

"I love you"me and Hoseok said in unison, we both chuckled.

Hoseok's Pov

One Month later

"Welcome to your new home Suran"Yoongi smiled as he opened the door, letting Suran look at our house in awe, me and Yoongi smiled at our adopted daughter.

She turned to us smiling.

"Thank you Appa's so much!"

She ran towards us and hugged us tight, we both hugged back.

"Appa's love you too"I smiled.

"Our little princess"Yoongi smiled. "When both Taehyung and Jungkook have a child they could be her best friends"

I nodded.

"That'll be great"I smiled.

"I love making new friends!"Suran cheered, I chuckled.

"I love you guys"

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