Chapter Three: What's Wrong With Him?

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Taehyung's Pov

Few Days Later

I was playing Overwatch with both my best friends Jimin and Hoseok, we were having a sleep over in my house since it was big and a lot of room to do fun activities, I was beating both Hoseok and Jimin by a long shot.

I cheered when I won for seven times now, both Jimin and Hoseok groaned.

"How do you even win this Taehyung?
I can't even get to kill all those people in time"Jimin sighed in frustration.

"I think my control lagged at me"Hoseok said, checking his controller buttons, I chuckled.

"I'm the best"I cheered.

"Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, lights out"Jin called behind my bedroom door, we all groaned.

"Lets go sleep so we can play again tomorrow"I said, both Hoseok and Jimin nodded.

I turned off my game console and walked straight to my bed while both Hoseok and Jimin took out their blankets to sleep with, I got on my bed, giving them extra blankets and pillows so they could sleep comfortably.

"Goodnight guys"I said.

"Goodnight Taehyung"both Jimin and Hoseok said in unison.

I closed my eyes, falling into sleep.

Four Hours Later

I woke up when I heard heavy breathing, I ignored and closed my eyes again, I woke up again when I heard a small whine.

I stood up straight, squinting at the dark room but I couldn't see anything, I then saw something move in the dark.


My eyes widened.

Are both my hyungs...?

I shook head.

They're not old enough to do that.

Surprising I knew that type of information, well blame the school for ruining my innocence, sex education was the worst idea I had to actually learn that.

I got out of my bed to check what was going on, I accidentally knocked my alarm clock to the floor, causing it to ring out loud, I covered my ears as I struggled to turn it off.

"Taehyung"I heard Jimin mumbled. "It's still dark out"

"Umm guys...something is moving on my leg"Hoseok called.

I turned on the light and grabbed my alarm clock, turning it off, my eyes widened as I saw Jungkook was humping Hoseok's right leg.

I ran towards them, pushing Jungkook away from Hoseok, causing him hit the door with his back, whimpering again.

"I can't believe your dog was humping my leg"Hoseok looked at his right leg, feeling uncomfortable, I sighed.

"I'm so sorry hyung, he's been acting weird lately, he wasn't like this before"I explained.

I walked towards Jungkook, seeing him looking up at me, always the same expression on his face when he's done something wrong, I had enough for one day.

I opened the door, slightly pushing Jungkook with my leg out of my room and closed the door.

"There, problem solved"I said, making my way to my bed, laying down again, I turned off the lights. "Night again hyungs"

"Night"Jimin and Hoseok both said in unison, I closed my eyes, falling into sleep again.

Jungkook's not acting right again.

What's wrong with him?

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