Chapter Sixteen: Visit

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Taehyung's Pov

"Where are we going again?"Jungkook asked while I drove to my hyung's house.

"We're going to see my hyungs and hope they made something to eat"I explained, Jungkook nodded, he then looked out the car window.


I stepped on the brake pedal, almost hitting the car in front of me, I breathed in and out heavily.

I turned to Jungkook.

"Stop doing that!"I scolded. "You almost gave me a heart attack"

"Sorry hyung, I just saw a dog outside"Jungkook apologized, he then pointed out the window, I saw a guy walking his weiner dog, I sighed.

"I forgive you"I mumbled as I ruffled Jungkook's hair, I focused my gaze to the road and drove on again.

I stopped the car when I reached my destination, I got out, Jungkook followed behind me.

I opened the door, seeing no one in the house.

Namjoon?"I called out.

"Wait...Jin and Namjoon hyung?"Jungkook asked, I turned to him.

"What do y-"


Me and Jungkook turned our gazes to Jin who run towards us and hugged us tightly.

Namjoon slightly chuckled in the background.

Jin pulled away and turned to Jungkook.

"Look how much you've grown Kookie"Jin smiled as he observed the younger boy by the ears, tail, he opened Jungkook's mouth, I noticed Jungkook's front teeth were slight sharp.

Well he is a hybrid after all.

"Wait a minute. You two aren't surprised by this?"I asked in confusion, Jin and Namjoon turned to me.

"We knew about him ever since we first got him"Namjoon explained, Jin nodded.

"Yeah, they helped raised me"Jungkook added, I turned to him in shock.

"How come I didn't know about this?"I asked.

"We thought it would be more better for you to find out yourself"Jin explained.

"Why do you think I know how to walk and talk?"Jungkook asked.

"I'm totally lost"I sighed. "How did this really happen?"

"Story time!"Jin smiled, he grabbed mine and Jungkook's wrist, leading us to the couch, he sat us down while he went to grab something from his room.

Me and Jungkook looked at each other in confusion, Jin came back with a baby blue album in his hand, he sat in between us as he opened the album.

"This is how it all started"Jin started.

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