Chapter Four: Enough

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Taehyung's Pov

Five Years Later

"Thanks for helping me move in hyung, I really appreciate it"I smiled, Jin wiped the sweat off his forehead from carrying all my stuff in boxes in my new apartment.

"No problem, I can't believe my little Tae is all grown up and has a place for himself now. Kids really do grow up so fast."Jin exclaimed, he hugged me tight, I hugged back.

"Don't worry hyung, you and Namjoon hyung can certainly come and visit me"I told him, Jin smiled.

"Sounds good, I need to get back home before Namjoon breaks something"Jin laughed, I laughed also.

"Alright then, see you later hyung"I told Jin, he began walking out the door.

"Take care of Jungkook while we're not"Jin told me.

"Yeah, I'll do that"I waved Jin goodbye as he walked out of my house, I sighed.
"I don't feel comfortable begin alone with Jungkook anymore"

I sat on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, Jungkook was probably in the room humping something or whatever since he acting really weird, I closed my eyes, letting myself rest.

Few Hours Later

I felt something moving on my leg, I turned my head to the side, resuming to sleep, I felt the movement go faster, I opened my eyes slightly, looking down on my leg, I screamed and kicked, seeing Jungkook flew to the other side of the room.

He whimpered, I breathed in and out in shock, I stood up, having enough with his disgusting behavior.

"Can you stop acting like a sick dog for once Jungkook!?"I yelled, seeing Jungkook flinch at my sudden rise of voice, I then saw him limp away to another room, I sighed.
"You're sleeping out of my room tonight"

I walked in my room, laying down on my bed and staring up at the ceiling, I closed my eyes, hoping to regain my sleep again.

I then heard a loud thud, I stood up quickly, worried.

What if someone broke in?

I grabbed my baseball bat, clutching it tightly so I can knock the intruder out, I quietly walked out of my room, tiptoeing.

I heard some heavy breathing, I gulped silently, in the dark I saw a head figure by the living room couch.

I then ran towards the guy, tackling him while I held the baseball bat over my head.

"Who are you?!
How did you get in?!"I demanded, turning on the lights.

"W-wait...don't hurt me anymore please..."

I looked at the boy, my eyes widened.

What type of person has a tail and dog ears?!

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now