Chapter Twelve: Match Making

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A/N: Just in case you're wondering how both Yoongi and Hoseok became a thing.

Jimin's Pov

One Year Ago

"How does this look on me hyung?"I asked Hoseok as I got out of the changing room, already changed into a new outfit.

"How does this look on me hyung?"I asked Hoseok as I got out of the changing room, already changed into a new outfit

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I looked at Hoseok, seeing he was dozing off, no, scratch that, he was looking at someone.

I turned to what he was looking at, seeing a boy with black hair talking with a blonde boy, both of them standing by the chasier and discussing about something.

"You like that guy?"

Hoseok turned to me.

"N-no"Hoseok stuttered, I spotted his cheeks slightly pink.

He's such a bad liar.

I clicked my tongue.

"Just talk to him"I said. "You never know until you try right?"

"Are you crazy Park Jimin?!"Hoseok shouted, he then covered his mouth, I looked up, seeing the two boys looking up at us.

"Is there something wrong over there?"the boy in black hair asked us.

"No, everything is fine"I explained.

"Alright then, tell us if there's anything we can do for you"the boy in blonde said, I nodded then turn to Hoseok.

"Let's just get out of here"Hoseok mumbled, I sighed, nodding.

"I'm still taking this though"I said as I walked back in the changing room.

Few Minutes Later

"That'll be thirty five dollars and fifty cents"the boy in blonde said, I saw his nametag, saying Taemin.

I payed the cashier as I saw Hoseok staring at the boy with black hair who was sitting on a chair while looking on his phone on his social media.

I nudged Hoseok but he shook his head, making his way out of the store.

"I'm going to the bathroom"Hoseok mumbled to me, he then left the store.

I turned to the boy with black hair, seeing he was looking at me.


"Who's that friend of yours?"the boy asked me.

"Hoseok"I said, the boy nod, he then looked at his phone again.

"Hm, I'm guessing he likes me, correct me if I'm wrong"the boy said, my eyes widened.

"How did you know that?"

The boy looked up at me.

"Isn't it obvious? He's been staring at me almost half an hour while waiting for you to get out of the changing room."the boy chuckled lightly. "He's an easy read."

"Well that's true but he doesn't want to admit it"I sighed.

"I got this"the boy smiled.

"Jimin, let's go"Hoseok called out to me, I saw the boy stood up and walked towards Hoseok.

I walked behind him, over the boy's shoulder, I saw Hoseok gulped in nervousness.

The boy stopped as he stood in front of Hoseok, who looked up at the boy with pink cheeks.

"You like me?"the boy asked.

Hoseok turned to me then to the boy.


Hoseok was cut off as the boy kissed him, I saw Hoseok widened his eyes in shock but the boy didn't seem to be embarrassed about it.

The boy then pulled away, chuckling at Hoseok's shocked expression.

"The name is Yoongi"Yoongi smiled.

"H-Hoseok"Hoseok mumbled quietly.

"And your friend shortie over there thought this out"Yoongi chuckled, I felt offended at the name 'shortie'.

"I'm not short!"I argued but was ignored by the YoonSeok couple.

I sighed.

At least Hoseok's happy.

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