Chapter Thirty-Eight: Kids

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A/N: Sorry for bad description😬hope the pics help a little.

Taehyung's Pov

One Year Later

I watched Jungkook played with one of our kids, both of them in dog form, play fighting, I smiled at them.

"Kookie, Yugyeom come here"I called to them, they both ran towards me, tackling me down on the floor, I laughed as they licked my face.

They both turned back to their human form, both of them hugging me, I hugged them back.

"L-Luna wants a hug too"

I looked up, seeing my little daughter Luna pouting at us at the scene, I smiled at her.

I sat up, opening my arms to embrace her in a hug, she ran towards me, hugging me tight, I pulled away and looked at her.

Seeing she had the same resemblance like Jungkook.

"You okay Appa?"Luna asked while titling her head to the side, her tail wagging slightly in the background.

I nodded.

"Appa loves his little princess"I smiled, kissing Luna's cheeks, causing her to giggle.

"Yah! Don't steal my food!"

I looked up, seeing Jin trying to eat his fried steak and white rice in peace but both Baekhyun and Jay wouldn't let him.

They were both the hyper and troublemakers.

"Baekhyun, Jay, don't steal your uncle's steak"I scolded.

"Sorry Appa"both Baekhyun and Jay said in unison, pouting.

"I'll make food when we get home"I said.

"Yay!"they cheered in unison, I shook my head with a smile.

They ran towards me, hugging me too.

I looked at all my children.

Yugyeom, looks almost like Jungkook but a younger and cuter version with dark brown hair, along with the same characteristics.

Yugyeom, looks almost like Jungkook but a younger and cuter version with dark brown hair, along with the same characteristics

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(Imagine him posing like a small child)

Luna, she's shy but very caring, she's the youngest of them all with her long black hair and babyish face like Jungkook's.

Jay, a hyper type, also a troublemaker but is innocent like Jungkook, with black hair, and sometimes causes mischief along with Baekhyun

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Jay, a hyper type, also a troublemaker but is innocent like Jungkook, with black hair, and sometimes causes mischief along with Baekhyun.

Jay, a hyper type, also a troublemaker but is innocent like Jungkook, with black hair, and sometimes causes mischief along with Baekhyun

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(Imagine Jay as one of those kids who look, wear, and act badass but they're cute acting like that)

Baekhyun is also hyperactive but is very playful he has brown hair.

Baekhyun is also hyperactive but is very playful he has brown hair

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(Also imagine him as a kid)

Jungkook then laid on top of me, I smiled as I played with his ears, he smiled back at me.

"Tackle Appa!"Yugyeom giggled as he got on top of me and Jungkook, then Jay and Yugyeom got on top of us then Luna.

All five them got off me, I stood up from the grass.

"We got to be going hyung. We need to feed them or else they'll start a riot"I chuckled, Jin nodded at me.

"See you soon Taehyung"Jin stood up as he got out of his seat and walked towards the back door, walking towards me and hugged me and Jungkook tight. "Come back anytime okay?"

"We will"me and Jungkook said in unison.

All our children hugged Jin tight, Jin smiled over them.

"Bye Jin eomma"they all said in unison, Namjoon then walked out the back door.

"What about my goodbye?"Namjoon pouted, me and Jungkook chuckled.

Luna hugged Namjoon's leg tight, looking up at him.

"Can I read one of your books again, Joon?"Luna asked, Namjoon nodded, Luna smiled. "Seen you soon"

"Come on guys"I said, Luna ran towards me, signaling me to carry her, I carried her with one arm as I held Jay's hand with my other.

Jungkook held both Yugyeom and Baekhyun's hand, all six of us walked out of the house, bidding both Namjoon and Jin goodbye.

We all got in the car, driving back home.

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