Chapter Twenty-Nine: Cheating

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Jungkook's Pov

After drinking seven cups, I felt slightly dizzy, I got off the booth, making my way to find the bathroom, I was feeling a bit sick, a bit nauseous to say the least.

I was being pushed back and forth from other people that were doing their own things.

"Hey handsome"

I turned my head to the voice, seeing a women with red hair while wearing a tank top and black shorts that were really short, I also noticed she had white ears and a tail, I looked at them closely.

She isn't a hybrid, those seem too fake to be real.

"What is a guy like you doing in a bar like this?"the women asked, I shrugged.

I felt her hand touching my face, then reaching up to my ears, playing with them.

"I like those ears of yours, they feel really real"the women murmured, her face leaning onto my neck, I moaned as she sucked on it, leaving a bite mark. "I'm Catherine but you can call me Cat if you like"

I nodded.

"What is your name?"Cat asked.

"J-Jungkook"I awsered, Cat hummed.

"Such a hot name for a hot guy like you"Cat grinned, she then held my hand, walking off somewhere but I didn't know where.

We both entered the bathroom, Cat pushed me in an open stall, not bothering to close it, she then kissed me as she sat on my lap.

I kissed back, running my hand through her hair, she then pulled away, I saw her taking off her tank top and shorts, leaving her in her black bra and panties.

I felt my lower region to tighten at the view, she looked down and smirked as she looked up at me.

"Hard already?"Cat chuckled, I nodded.

She then got her hands on my shirt buttons, beginning to unbutton my shirt.

"Can't wait to fu-"



Me and Cat turned to the bathroom door, my eyes widened.

Horny Hybrid - VKook (+18) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now