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Namjoon: y/n it's not that hard, the essay is about anything you want, literally.

Here I am sitting my ass down with mister straight A kid. Namjoon was explaining the assignment for the fifth time. Why did the teacher partner me up with him, he's just not my style to work on. I rather die than to work for him. I bet he thinks the same thing, most of the kids in my class hates me. Why? Because I'm all a "bad girl". That's just bullshit. Anyways I get what essay is about, I just don't want to do a 10 page assignment. I have way better things to do than to waist my time here with this child.

Y/N: look Namjoon, I know what the essay is about I just don't want to do a 10 page assignment.

Namjoon: and I don't want to be partnered up with you, but we have to deal with it. Plus if we don't do this, both of us will fail this class.

Y/N: *leans back* I'm fine with that, I'm already failing.

Namjoon:*whispers* at least your aware of that.

Y/N: HEY! I might be a dumb ass, but at lease I try not other people.

Namjoon: the only day I saw you actually try, was when you were trying out for the dance competition and the rapping try outs.

Y/N:*whispers* stalker much.

Namjoon: I'm not a stalker okay. I was also in that thing too. Both of them.

Y/N: aha, yeah right.

Namjoon: okay let's just continue.

Y/N: I don't want to continue with this shit. Can I just leave.

Namjoon: no! Y/N please just tell me something you like to do.

Y/N: you really want to know? *smirks*

Namjoon: actually no, don't say anything

I giggled. This kid seriously. He might be smart but he sure knows how to make me laugh. Wait! Did I just said that? Oh god, I better not be falling for this child.

Namjoon: is their a way I can contact you?

Y/N: contact me?

Namjoon: yeah, like your phone number.

Y/N:*smirks* but Namjoon we just meet and I don't think I'm ready for the next step.

Namjoon:*mad* that's not want I me- it's for the essay.

Y/N:*giggles* I'm kidding, geez you can't take a little joke right?

Namjoon: I take most stuff serious.

Y/N: your no fun.

We exchange phones and gave each other our phone numbers.  We gave ours phones back.

Y/N: I accept nudes once in a while.

Namjoon: Y/N!

Y/N: I'm kidding! Anyways can I leave now?

Namjoon: no because we did not even started yet.

Namjoon phone ranged, when he answered I got painful headache. Seems like Namjoon notice. I get visions all the time but it always gives me someone in danger. This time it surprised me because it was a vision about Namjoon getting stabbed. A man was stabbing him telling him to keep away from someone. He was saying " keep away from her, she's mine!" Blood was all over Namjoon. I snapped back into reality.

Namjoon: y/n......y/n are you okay?

Y/N: *rubbing head* umm... yeah I'm fine.

Namjoon: *reaches hand out* you sure?

Y/N: *pushes hand away* I'm sure Namjoon.

Namjoon just nod and we continue with our essay, once we made eye contact and I saw the vision again. I looked away from him. I can't look at him in the eye, I just can't. I feel scared. My mind is full of this vision.

Namjoon: do you have any ideas?

Shit! I wasn't paying attention.

Y/N: about what?

Namjoon: topics for the essay.

Y/N: oh um I guess, people's different points of view.

Namjoon:*surprised* that's actually a good idea.

I look back down on the floor. I can't even look at him in the eye.

Namjoon: is their something bothering you?

Y/N: no

Namjoon: then look at me.

Y/N: I can't.

Namjoon: why? Is their something on me?

Y/N: no. It's just-

My phone ranged, it was my best friend, Lisa. I answered it and she told me that yoongi  (my other friend) came home with blood all over his hands. I told her I will be their quick.

Y/N: Namjoon, I really go this this time.

Namjoon: ok then, how about we meet again at my house tomorrow?

Y/N: ok, send me the address. Bye.

Namjoon: bye.*whispers* careful.

I left the school and ran to my motorcycle. I drove all the way to lisa's house. As soon as I got their, I knock on the door and Lisa opened it.

Lisa:*hugs y/n* y/n! I'm happy that your here.

Y/N: were is he?

Lisa: upstairs, come on.

We went upstairs. As soon as I open the door. I saw yoongi sitting on the bed. He looked at me with a sorry expression.

Yoongi: I'm sorry I couldn't control myself

Y/N: who did you killed?

Yoongi: a teacher

Y/N: which one?

Yoongi: the reading teacher Mr. Blue.


Lisa: can you help him?

Y/N: I don't know on what to help him now. He's loosing control of his own actions, on of these days he will kill us. I can't help yoongi anymore. Every time I have a vision he attacks the person.

Yoongi: did you had another vision?

Y/N: like if I'm going to tell you.

Yoongi looks mad at me, he's about to loose control. He stands up and pushes Lisa out the room. He closes the door with lock. He looked at me, he pushes to me to the bed. He's going to see my vision, I'm going to try and block it.

Yoongi: let me see the vision!

Y/N: No!

Yoongi: you know what will happen if you don't let me see it.

Y/N: do the fuck you want but I'm not showing you.

Yoongi: it's another guy right? Your starting to fall for him.

He's putting his hands on my cheeks, and he's getting closer to me.

Y/N: keep your filthy hands away from me!

Yoongi: Let me see!

Y/N: No!

He cupped my face and kissed me. I pushed him away and slapped him. He starts laughing.

Yoongi: my dear friend. Your protecting Namjoon. One of my friends.

Y/N: *in her head* fuck, now what?

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