Valentine's Day/Dance

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Me and Namjoon got to school, we get of the car and walk inside the school. Right I'm greeted by Lisa and the other guys. A lot of people are putting up the signs about the valentines dance today. Then Lisa comes infront of me and gives me a red bag.

Lisa: Here, Happy valentine's day y/n!

Y/n: OMG thank you Lisa, I forgot your at home. Sorry.

Lisa: It's okay, with your friendship is enough to me.

Y/n: Awww thanks.

I give Lisa a hug and she returns it back to me. This is true friendship with Lisa. we've known each other since elementary school. But more because we were bad kids in school, me and Lisa would be in detention everyday. we would giggled at each other for just being in detention. Anyways Jackson comes in the back of Lisa and covers her eyes with one hand. he's carrying a teddy bear, a rose and a balloon that says "I love you".

Jackson: guess who?

Lisa: hum i don't know, the guy that bothers the hell out of me?

Jackson: So i bother you a lot? hurtful babe!

Lisa: I'm kidding you pabo.

She turned around to see him and she immediately hug and kissed him. That whole thing made me smile at this cute couple. Namjoon tapped my shoulder and i turned around to see a huge teddy bear. since were outside everyone was watching us. My cheeks went red and my face got warm. Lisa told me to sit down next to it so she can take a picture.

(the girl on the pic is you ok)

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(the girl on the pic is you ok)

Namjoon: Happy Valentine's day babe.

Y/n: aww thanks Joonie, how did you manage to get it here without me noticing?

Namjoon: well yesterday, i went to the store with the guys and i got you this, i told Jin to take it to his house and bring it to me today. So now here it is.

Y/n: Aw thank you Joonie. I diren't get you anything tho.

Namjoon: That's okay bae, with your love and happiness is enough for me. cause i only want to see you happy.

I just smiled and hugged him. What a loving and caring boyfriend i have. Namjoon made looked at him and he kissed me. The guys cheered and clapped. My face went red and hot. I buried my face into Namjoon chest, he just chuckled at my actions.

                                                                ~Later in Lunch time~

The news about Yoongi being dead spread around like a stampede. Many people ask if i was okay. I respond with a "yes" or just a nod.  A lot of kids were just saying that Yoongi was a phyco. If they only knew the truth. I mean i don't even know how he became like this but i knew he was suffering of just trying to control it. Namjoon and the boys are just playing like little kids.

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