My vision came to life.

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Namjoon and I went back to my house and sat on the couch. Me and Namjoon were cuddling on the couch when my phone ranged and it was jimin who was calling me.

*on the phone*

Y/N: Hey jimin, you okay?

I put it on speaker so that Namjoon can also hear.

Yoongi: jimin is busy at the moment but I can attend you.

My eyes and Namjoon shot wide open. What the hell is he doing with jimin phone.

Y/N: Yoongi!? We're is jimin?

Yoongi: relax he's fine........ for now! Listen to me closely y/n. You want jimin to live Come to the southern street were we first met. Oh and um don't Namjoon or else their would be consequences.

Just the  I heard jimin scream in pain.

Jimin: y/n please don't come!!! He'll kill you!

Yoongi: shut up jimin!

I heard jimin scream again.

Y/N: Yoongi stop it please just stop it. They had nothing to do with this.

Yoongi: but they took you away from me and I won't accept that. You have 2 hours to go their if not, jimin dies.
*end of the call*

Y/N: Yoongi? Yoongi! Shit!

Namjoon: what are you going to do now?

Y/N: I'm gonna help jimin and you are gonna stay here.

Namjoon: stay here? Are you kidding me? I'm going with you.

Y/N: No your not, your staying here. Namjoon, jimin is in danger and if you come, you'll be in danger and you'll get hurt.

Namjoon: I don't care, I'm coming with you wether you like it or not. Y/N I can't loose bear loosing you. Your everything to me and I won't loose you.

I got touched at what he said. I know Namjoon and I are dating but I won't loose Namjoon.

Y/N: I'm sorry Namjoon but your not coming.

Just then I cupped his face and gave him a vision that will get him to fall asleep. I put him on my couch and left with a gun and a knife. I notice that my visions, they got stronger and I can give illusions to anyone now.

Jimin's pov

I was scared to death, yoongi has captured me and now he wanet y/n. If he doesn't get
Y/n to be his girlfriend, he will kill all of us including y/n. I see yoongi talking to the guards and I managed to hear what he said.

Yoongi: go to y/n's house and get Namjoon, bring him here. We're giving y/n a show that she will never forget.

The guards left. I tried getting the knife that yoongi left but I'm tied up.

Jimin:*in his mind* come on jimin get the fucking knife.

I push myself towards the knife but yoongi takes it away and looks at me with a smirk.

Yoongi: trying to escape huh? Just a couple more minutes and you'll be safe. Well if y/n accepts me.

Jimin: why can't you accept that she does not want to be with you!

Yoongi: because for so long I've loved y/n but I never got the chance to tell her, because of Namjoon!! My own friend betray me. He knew I liked her, also did Lisa but Namjoon took her from me.

Jimin: wait Namjoon knew you liked her?

Yoongi: yes, he knew, I told him and he took her away from me!

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