I think I know who the killer is!

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                                                            The next day
I was having a bad dream. I saw Namjoon getting hit and stab by a man. Two guys were holding me back, I hit the guys and ran to Namjoon. I hold him in my arms, he was bleeding to death. "I love you y/n" he closed his eyes and died in my arms. I cried and screamed. I woke up screaming with terror. I looked around and I was sitting in my bed sweating and gasping for air. I got up from my bed and went to take a shower.

Y/N: Jesus these visions are getting worst every minute.

I put my cloths on, brush my teeth and went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I saw that I have a text message from Namjoon.

Namjoon's text: good morning princess.

Y/N's text: good morning jonnie💖

Namjoon's text: did you get a good night's sleep?

Y/N's text: No not really, I had a bad dream.

Namjoon's text: aww my baby💖💝, do you need me to come over?

Y/N's text: yes please 😘

Namjoon's text: LOL ok then, send me your address and I will be their.

I send him my address and he said he will be here quick. This kid seriously. At first I didn't like him and now I'm his girlfriend. Drama~ Right after I send Namjoon the address, Lisa called me as usual.

*in the phone*

Lisa: Hey girl how are you?

Y/N: good Lisa. Anyways mission making Namjoon be mine is a success.

Lisa: Really!? So he's yours. Like yours, yours?

Y/N: what do you mean? *catches the drift* eww Lisa what the hell!? Not like that. We just kissed, that's it.

Lisa: well the kiss is enough.

Y/N: you what he said?

Lisa: what?

Y/N: that I'm changing him.

Lisa: I guess he does like you

Y/N: I guess. But actually I think we are dating.


Y/N: ok stop screaming. But like I said I think we are.

Lisa: still, I'm pumped up. I'm at level 7.

Y/N: put it back to level 4 could you?

Lisa: nope.

We laughed and talked to each. Later on we said bye. Then my doorbell ranged. I opened the door and saw Namjoon. He came in and huge me.

Namjoon: you look ok for having a bad dream?

Y/N: My friend called me so that's why I feel good right now.

Namjoon: *pinching her cheeks* aww babe, you should of called me.

Y/N: she called me, so I'm fine.

Namjoon: so tell me about your dream.

Y/N: It's the vision, about you, getting hurt by a man.

Namjoon: did you see his face?

Y/N: I can't for some reason, I can't.

Me and Namjoon went to the couch, we sit down and he was still hugging me.

Namjoon: maybe your suppose to see it yourself.

Y/N: I guess. Hey Namjoon are we dating?

Namjoon: yeah why?

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