Namjoon's past

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Lisa: yeah. He was dating a girl named Alissa. Namjoon and Alissa were always doing stuff together, Namjoon really liked Alissa but Alissa said she did not like him much. She said Namjoon got annoying over the years, and what she did next was, she cheated on him. Namjoon found out and he was heart broken. He did not knew why she did that to him but after a month or two, he became a really rough guy. Many girls found that hot. Many girls tried asking him out but he reject them all. He said no and walked away. Alissa also found that hot and she tried getting him back but he told her to go suck her boyfriends dick. Namjoon focused more on school than girls. He progressed a lot but deep inside he still was heart broken. When Mr. Blue assigned you both together, he looked a little bit pissed because he was paired up with a girl.

Y/N: do you believe he will try to ignore me.

Lisa: maybe but if you make him fall in love with you, he will open up more.

Y/N:*signs* fine okay.

Lisa: okay.

(Sorry for the short chapter everyone, but the next one will come later today or tomorrow. Bye you guys are awesome. Fighting~)

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