Trusting each other

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                                                             ~4 hours later~
Namjoon texted me to go to his house. I told him I will be their in a while. I got myself dressed up. I been thinking about what Lisa said. I can't believe that girl did that to him. Disgusting ass bitch. I got on my motorcycle and went to Namjoon's house. When I got their he was outside his house and looking around. He saw me get off my motorcycle. I took of my helmet and my hair fell down to my shoulders. Namjoon just keeps staring at me.

Y/N: you okay?

Namjoon: hmm....oh umm yeah I'm fine.

Y/N: then stop staring at me and welcome me to your home.

Namjoon: right. Come in.

I looked around in his god damn huge house. I was amazed. He owns this house? If he owns this house, imma die.

Namjoon: you like the house?

Y/N: hell yeah. Wow. You own this house?

Namjoon: yeah. My parents pay the house bill tho.

Y/N: nice. So, you live alone?

Namjoon: yeah.

Y/N: how long have you'd lived alone?

Namjoon: I had this house since I was 16 so, 2 years to be exact.

Y/N: wow, you never had company, like your girlfriend? You do have one right?

I knew he was going to say no. Namjoon looks at me and then looks away.

Namjoon: no. I don't have a girlfriend. I only focus on-

Y/N: I know you only focus on school. Come on Namjoon, find a girl already.

Namjoon: I don't need a girl. I'm perfectly fine by myself.

Y/N: ok.....ok...chill, but theirs been rumors about you and girl before.

He looked up at me. He looked a bit mad at me. He came close to me. I don't know why but I can't move. I felt a bit scared.

Namjoon: who keeps saying that?

Y/N: just kids at school. Is it true?

Namjoon:*signs* come with me. Let's start the project.

He turn and walked away but I wasn't going to let him. I walked in front of him and put my hand on his chest. He froze on my suten movement.

Y/N: I just wanna know.

Namjoon: why? You like me or something?

Y/N: I-i-i just want to know. You know like, we have to trust each other.

Namjoon: if I tell you, will you tell me something?

I nodded. Maybe I can tell him that I have vision. We went to his room and he took out an album of pictures. I looked at it and saw him with a girl.

Y/N: who's that?

Namjoon: that's my es girlfriend. Alissa.

Y/N: *smiles* she's pretty.

Namjoon: yeah....she was

His smiles faints away when he looked at me. I looked at him and he looked away. I gave a little smile. How cute. Alissa was not ugly at all. She was actually pretty.

Y/N: for how long you both had been together?

Namjoon: 2 years.

Y/N: wow. What happen between both of you?

Namjoon: she cheated on me

Y/N: ouch. You okay tho?

Namjoon: *signs* yeah.

Y/N: do you see her at school?

Namjoon: yeah, but with her boyfriend.

Y/N:*whispers* pig.

Namjoon: what did you say?

Y/N: I said she's a pig.

Namjoon: how is she a pig?

Y/N: because first she said she loved you. Then she cheated on you, but still your in love with her! Your blind.

Namjoon: I'm not saying that I love her. It's hurts knowing that the one I thought I loved, just....she just, she dirent liked me at all.

I saw he was tearing up so I held his hand. He looked at me surprised. I smiled at him, later on he smiled at me.

Y/N: I will be your friend no matter what. Even if we get mad at each other.

Namjoon: you sure?

Y/N: yeah.

I let go of his hand. Did I just said all those words? Am I really falling for Namjoon? Aish y/n stop thinking that!

Namjoon: anyways what about you? Do you have like a little secret?

Y/N: won't believe me if I say it.

Namjoon: come on it can't be that bad.

Y/N: umm ok. So. When I was born I was given with a gift. A gift to get visions. I......I get visions of someone in danger.

He looked a bit confused and surprise.

Namjoon: you get visions of someone in danger?

Y/N: yeah. I know, I know, it sounds stupid but it's true. I also can see your past.

Namjoon: how?

Y/N: by holding your hand but only if you let me.

He nods. He stretched his hand out and I hold it. I saw his family, friends, every happy moment he had. Then his sad moments, when he saw his girlfriend cheating on him. I saw what he saw. His girlfriend in bed with the other man. I felt his tears stream down his cheeks. I snapped back to reality.

Namjoon: your crying. Why?

Y/N: I dirent knew how much that hurt you.

Namjoon: I dirent mean to show you that. But why are you crying?

Y/N: the vision gives me the same emotions the person had at that moment.

Namjoon: wait so when yesterday at school you spaced out, you got a vision?


Namjoon: what was the vision about?

Y/N: you. You have to be careful when you go out at night okay.

Namjoon: your saying I could be in danger?

Y/N: yes.

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