Safe and sound.

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I'm in the hospital with the guys and Namjoon's parents. I never stopped crying since the whole incident. Namjoon's parents have been comforting me, they always say that he's a strong men and he can fight threw. Just I was about to answer but I heard someone call me. I turned and saw Lisa ruining towards me. I did the same.

Y/n: Lisa omg thank you for coming. I'm so worried.

Lisa: I know, but I'm here for you. Both of you.

Y/n: I'm scared of what the doctor is going to say.

Lisa: y/n I gave Namjoon pro-

Doctor: family members of kim Namjoon.

Mr.&mrs. Kim: here!

I run to Mr. And Mrs. Kim. The doctor looks like he saw a ghost. At this point I'm shaking and my eyes start to get teary. Please god let Namjoon be ok. I don't want to lose the man I love. The doctor looks at us and signs.

Doctor: Namjoon is in good shape. He's out of any danger. No internal bleeding, no cuts, and no damage.

Y/n: but doctor I saw everything, he was bleeding to death.

Doctor: well ms. Y/n, Namjoon has no cuts at all.

I was shocked, did Lisa gave him protection, or was it a miracle? I want to know.

Doctor: ms. Y/n would you like to see him?

I look at Namjoon's parents.

Ms. Kim: go ahead honey, I bet he's been waiting for you. We will wait.

I nod and left with the doctor to see Namjoon, when the doctor opens the door I see Namjoon sleeping so peacefully. I thanked the doctor and sat on a chair next to Namjoon. Should I check his cuts? Just when I was going to lift the blanket, Namjoon grave my wrist and I gasped.

Namjoon: trying to look at my abs?

Y/n: joonie 💖

I hugged him right away. He does also I was getting teary and I started sniffing.

Namjoon: why are you crying?

Y/n: you don't know how worried I was. I was scared to death that you were dead.

Namjoon: I'm fine baby, I was just unconscious. But I have a question for you.

Y/n: what?

Namjoon: why I'm a not damage? Why don't have any cuts nor internal bleeding?

Y/n: I don't know to be honest. I think it was Lisa that gave you protection.

Namjoon: so she protecting me?

Y/n: I don't know. But if gave you protection, you will heal if your in any danger of dying.

Namjoon: cool.

Y/n: no not really, it means you could never die.

Namjoon: again cool.

Y/n: Namjoon, it means that when everyone else gets older and die, you will stay the same and live.

He stayed quiet. I think he knows now that he will lose all of us one day.

Y/n: now you know. Namjoon I will always ca-

I was cut off by Namjoon kissing me, I kiss him back. I miss his kisses since the that night. OMG now memories from that night start kicking in. We broke the kiss cause of course we need something called air to breath in.

Namjoon: Jesus, you change me alot.

Y/n: you mean making you horny. Yeah your like that every day.

We both start laughing. I look at him and he looks at me.

Namjoon: you have alot of work to do when I come out.

My eyes grew wide open. Yeah I knew what he meant.

Y/n: I can't wait then.

Again we start kissing. Man this dude gets me horny every day. Well most of the time. Namjoon holds my waist and pulls me closer. He sits up and our bodies touch. I'm so hot right now. My body is warm and I can feel his body is getting hot too. Just when Namjoon was about to suck on my neck their was a knock on the door so we push each other away. The doctor came in and told me that I had to go cause the others want to see him too. I kiss Namjoon on the forehead.

Namjoon: I love you y/n.

Y/n: I love you too joonie.

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